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14-year old comes up with $400 million savings idea. It’s simple yet brilliant

When you think about all the government departments across the United States, or in any country as a matter, and think about how much information is printed on a daily basis, it adds up to be quite a lot. Many of these agencies currently use the popular Times New Roman font, but 14-year-old Suvir Mirchandani may have found a very simple solution to cut the cost of ink usage by as much as $400 million.

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Petro3736d ago

You would still need to buy toners.

Crazyglues3735d ago (Edited 3735d ago )

Actually that's pure genius, the problem is the govt. does not spend it's own money so when it comes to thinking about savings, they really don't think about it.

We really need to have people in-place to cut down all unnecessary govt. spending. And if there is a way to save - the govt. really should be pro-active and find ways to save more every year.

But don't expect the Govt. to get it, they live on a cloud and the air is pretty thick up there.

You could save millions and create jobs if the govt. just remove the tax on your pay. (so if you make under 250 thousand a year you pay no tax on your salary) Since everything you buy is already taxed. That way your salary would no longer have a tax on it for no reason. -You would then spend more and feed the economy, instead of feeling like you need to hang on to every penny-

-But don't expect the govt. to figure that out, there too busy robbing us blind to look at how they can actually help instead of hurting us.

proudly_X3735d ago

On Point. Government really don't care about savings.. It's tax-payers money so who gives a hoot? BTW.. This is really a brilliant idea and its how the new generation make use of their brain. The future will really be dynamic.

Ogygian3735d ago

There is a trade-off here in readability. That Times New Roman font shown was bolder and clearer than the Garamond. If people find it easier and therefore quicker to read TNR then money will be saved as they perform their jobs more effectively.

It's interesting that someone has done the metrics for one side of the argument, but I don't think we should praise a kid quite so much purely because he's a kid.

Further research could go into readability testing and the psychological side, and then those results combined to come to an optimal font, which would probably be worth it provided businesses choose to adopt it.

To be honest though, I have to wonder if paper is going to exist on any significant scale at all in offices around the world where tablets and electronic paper are likely to see increasing usage.

cyclindk3735d ago

Not to downplay the little feller, but it isn't a unique idea by any means, what's impressive is that a six year-old is even contemplating these things, but that's good parenting for you.

There are thousands of simple conservation ideas that just get swept under the rug, it's unfortunate that even the SIMPLEST cannot make it off the drawing board.

Hell, this entire world could EASILY be run on clean, endlessly renewable solar energy of one sort or another (photovoltaic, wind turbines, tidal/ocean current, geothermal (not solar), on and on... but that of course would disrupt the economic foundations of so many countries, i.e. literally hundreds of CEOs would have to go without Ferraris and Helicopters and we can't have that.

Other improvements... US medical system, nothing stopping the Gov from unifying medical records to a single digital format so you don't fill out paperwork every time you step into a doctor's office... there's a billion dollars right there probably... paper, ink, time... god....

These are the sorts of things which need kickstarters..

xboxlj3735d ago

Did I misread something? It said that he is a 14 year old sixth grader.

KingPin3735d ago

"When he was in sixth-grade..."
past tense. i take it thats when he came up with the idea. took him until now to solve the problem. from my understanding.

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