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A 13-Year-Old Google Science Fair Finalist Has A Simple Idea To Stop Cyberbullying

Trisha Prabhu, a 13-year-old from Chicago, won a spot as one of Google's 15 global Science Fair finalists for her project about stopping cyberbullying by making teens and tweens think before posting hurtful comments.

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Devil-X3601d ago

Great initiative, but I doubt if this alone will eradicate cyber bullying? as teens need to be self aware of the consequences of their actions.

iamnsuperman3601d ago (Edited 3601d ago )

Hence education. The UK is getting big on Internet safety and bulling on the Internet from an year age but this only a start. I can see this becoming a bigger part of the curriculum

But this will only do so much. It is about changing a culture/idea that will be difficult and may take many years (not a quick fix solution)

spacerace3601d ago

Yeah, surprised the % was this high of students who reconsidered tbh.

ChronoJoe3600d ago

I would be cautious. She is 10 years old, many of these science fair projects don't follow proper scientific methods, and then there are websites like this that fail to report her methods, which makes things worse.

At a glance, I can't imagine her current method had much ecological validity. It would have been a controlled implementation, which is barely even relevant considering this is a behavioural study with intent for real-world applications.

Trunkz3601d ago

So what about all the 25+ bully's, who DDOS and use craigslist to send creepy people to your house?

mushroomwig3600d ago

Finally, a way to stop cyber-bullying. I mean it's not like you could just block somebody who sends you messages or anything, oh no.

ChronoJoe3600d ago

It's not always that simple though is it? Especially with phones and a myriad of avenues of digital communication.

It also depends how determined a bully is. Making new accounts is easy.

DEATHxTHExKIDx3600d ago

well it might lessen but its not going away.

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