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Check out these true HD images of the moon's surface

The China National Space Administration has released hundreds of high definition photos taken by the Chang’e 3 lander and Yutu rover, giving us a better impression of what the lunar surface really looks like.

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windblowsagain3061d ago

I think those images prove Apollo was a complete hoax.

PeaSFor3061d ago

Mythbuster have already confirmed it was legit, simply due to the shadows.

suli55953061d ago

Ive never seen bigger patriots than Adam and Jaime before, they were obviously gonna confirm it was legit!

cyclindk3061d ago

Of course he was, I mean seriously, almost nobody believes in the ancient Roman deities any more.

Bobafret3061d ago

You can see the landing site with a decent telescope silly.

D3athc3ll3061d ago

nope you can't.

At least not with my $24 special telescope made of plastic!

Eidolon3061d ago

Not even the Hubble scope can...

Bimkoblerutso3061d ago

Hubble is fake too. Alien-run world government pays ILM to create fake space photos to cover up their existence.

mixelon3061d ago

?! You think the entire surface of a pretty damn huge moon looks identical? these photos back up the Apollo ones. (No stars, weird looking horizon etc)

Obviously camera tech has improved a lot since the 60s, they aren't going to look the same.

gizmig3061d ago

Ofcourse all we can see is the rocks only as that is what out there. But still we need to study much more behavior of outer space including atmosphere of other planets too so that we can think of surviving there or maybe find out something useful out of extraordinary.

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Bobafret3061d ago

You can see all 6 Apollo landing sites from earth with a decent telescope, look it up yourselves.

ZaWarudo3061d ago

You guys needs to loosen up the tin foil hats.


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