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Disconnected: My year without the Internet

CNN: Miller came back online May 1 after giving up the Internet for a year and documenting his experiences for tech site The Verge. After a nerve-wracking start (including finding 22,000 e-mails in his inbox), Miller is settling comfortably back into the Web's black hole of information and nonstop chatter.

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In2iti0n4057d ago

I think if life without the internet was better, he wouldn't have come back.

CraigandDayDay4056d ago

I'm not sure if that's fair to say. Because we've all grown to love the internet, we've also fallen victim to an "addiction" so to speak. It's hard to break away from it. Even a crackhead who went without crack for a year might easily come right back to it. I know that might be a poor example, but u get what I'm saying, I hope. The internet has become integral to so many things we do nowadays and it's really hard to stay away from it for long.

In2iti0n4056d ago

Yes, it has become integral part of our lives, but that does not mean that is is bad like crack in your example. Exactly the opposite.

That goes further to support my point that life without internet is not better (like life without crack might be).

MikeMyers4056d ago

Life might not be better without it but it could also be worse if you're addicted to it. Far too many people can't seem to live without their devices. I've seen parents ignore their children playing in the park while talking on their cellphone. I've seen people go on vacation and can't seem to let go of their laptop. There's also people who spend way too many hours indoor on the computer.

It's about moderation.

In2iti0n4056d ago

Well, Mike, that's true for many things in life. Moderation is key. And lack of moderation does not mean that something is bad, but rather, it means that WE do not use it properly. Our fault. That's what makes the difference.

SilentNegotiator4056d ago

People used the phone a lot when it became widely available, too. And radios. And TVs. And toilets.


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ChrisW4056d ago

I grew up without Internet. It wasn't until my senior year of high school that our school got Internet in the computer labs... It was a blistering 33kbs speed.

With that kind of upbringing, I can imagine a lot of things that I would more than likely be doing more of if I didn't have Internet.

But can I survive now without Internet? Keeping in contact with my family on the other side of the world wouldn't be too difficult... There are land line telephones and international phone rates are getting cheaper.

But, alas, my job does require it.

kingPoS4056d ago

Does any one find the act of searching for something additive? Sometimes you'd spend hours looking for whatever, and when you find it...

Searching can be addictive too.

banjadude4056d ago

We were switching Internet service providers for my house last month, and we ended up not having access to it for about 2 weeks (it's a long story). Anyways, all I can say is, 2 weeks was very excruciating; I can't imagine going (without Internet) for more than 1 month (let a lone a whole year)!

KingPin4056d ago

damn, im not an addict but when my internet is down, i forget the rest of my computer still works.

MWH4056d ago

this generation reminds me of the book perfectly titles " Alone Together".

I too am one of those who grew tired of the internet and e-life in general. it's both, good and bad which is why it's hard to leave.

eventually though, it will happen.

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EvilCackle554d ago (Edited 554d ago )

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CurrentDigital554d ago

Huge loss for those who don't know where else to spend their surplus $8 a month

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gatewayinternational550d ago

study abroad is the chance to find yourself while acquiring a comprehension of an alternate culture. Being in another spot without help from anyone else can overpower on occasion.

345d ago
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