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EDGE: PlayStation 4 revealed

EDGE - Development sources with working knowledge of both next generation consoles have told us that PlayStation 4 will be more powerful than the next Xbox, will ship with a redesigned controller and launch by the end of the year in Japan and the US. PlayStation 4’s European launch will follow in early 2014.

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CraigandDayDay4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

Day one, guys.

pompombrum4155d ago

Unless you're from Europe.. then it's like day 100+

DOOMZ4155d ago

Already got burend by Sony when I bought my PS3. They promised the world but all you got was mediocrity. Sticking with the next XBOX this time around...

smashcrashbash4155d ago

But that is exactly what Microsoft did. When they promised you the world all you got was empty promises, a broken console and missing features.Just because you decided to kiss their a$$es for it isn't something to boast about. Microsoft is always standing in someone else's shadow and have never been in the front of any company. So if I were you I wouldn't defend your purchase of a next Xbox with words that define them

ziggurcat4155d ago

please elaborate since sony has provided probably the strongest gaming experiences this generation.

i'd like to know how paying $60 a year to access half of (pretty much) every game on the market is a good thing. i'd like to know how a subscription service (which is optional, and doesn't affect the level of access to any games you purchase) that provides hundreds of dollars of free/discounted content every month is "mediocre".

i'd also like to know how cycling through the same 4 exclusive IP titles (forza, gears, fable, halo) MS puts out vs the half a dozen or so new or existing exclusive IP titles sony puts out every year is anything more than mediocre.

Fil1014155d ago

Shame I almost feel sorry for the blind deluded xbox fanboys. Me myself own both the 360 & PS3 and even a wii because each console has something different to offer.

DUSK5064155d ago

So you plan to stick with the very definition of mediocrity?

Trunkz4155d ago

I have a bad feeling the PS4 while super powered with all the goodies will cost $499+ and I really don't want to buy @ launch, I'll get it slightly later when it comes cheaper, unless they release a game that makes me want to play it but more launches don't.

nevin14155d ago

Keep in mind that the PS3 launch prices of $499-$599 was mainly due to blu-ray($250+) and The Cell.

Fil1014155d ago

Yep I've started dribbleling already at the thought of a well priced next gen PS.

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xer01482d ago

OMG... I just wasted 5 min reading nothing useful!

I'll save everyone the trouble of visiting a click bait article.
The article basically says, wait until Sony engineers fix the problem with Youtube.

Orpheo1482d ago

Agree. Who approved this? This should never have made it through.