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Elon Musk’s Hyperloop is actually being built in California next year

Agreements have been secured for a five-mile, $100 million test track in California.

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Stringerbell3296d ago

Tesla and by proxy California, leading the way.

ZoyosJD3296d ago

That is still very expensive just for a 5 mile test track. I can't imagine a full implementation being reasonably priced if that winds up being the going rate.

Stringerbell3295d ago

Expensive in the beginning no doubt because the tech is new. But if and when it proves its worth its cost could go down.

These past few years imo has shown how antiquated the US rail system is. Its in dire need of a massive overhaul. I'm actually more excited about the California High Speed Rail even though its years away from completion.

gangsta_red3295d ago

And seeing as how many people will use this I am sure they could get that cost back in no time.

ZoyosJD3295d ago (Edited 3295d ago )

While the tech being new does contribute to the cost, It is largely construction labor costs as opposed to engineering design costs as found in advancing silicon tech.

I don't even think the maintenance costs are included, nor the cost of land that is not in the middle of nowhere.

To me this is looking like project that could go well over *raises pinky* a billion dollars.

gangsta_red3295d ago

I really hope this happens and soon. I can only imagine the jobs this will bring and even open up.

To be able to commute to LA or SF will really help California's job market.

Stringerbell3295d ago

Exactly! And maybe just maybe it will put a little dent into the horrors of SoCal traffic.

iliimaster3295d ago

would love to travel to LA or San fran that fast


Tesla is recalling almost every vehicle it's sold in the U.S.

Just one day after the California DMV filed to take Tesla to court, over 2 million Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y vehicles are being recalled.

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Unafraidworm176d ago

Glad to see Chris at Acceleramota is an idiot and loves to spread misinformation. This so called “recall” was just an update that was sent out to certain Tesla models and year.


Elon Musk stated if AI is doing something dangerous, we should know

Elon Musk frequently highlights the risks associated with artificial intelligence, emphasizing its potential threat to humanity's existence.

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‘We dug our own grave with the Cybertruck’, says Elon Musk, in rare moment of self-reflection

Maybe giving your truck the styling of an Nintendo 64 game isn't quite as 'epic' or 'based' as it is impractical.

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