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Engadget Review - Amazon Fire


After producing a long line of e-book readers and tablets (not to mention a set-top box), Amazon has its sights set on the smartphone market. But finding success here won't be easy, even for an established tech giant like Amazon. With the Fire phone, the online retailer is coming in as an unproven underdog, hoping to bring iPhone and Android users into its fold. CEO Jeff Bezos says the only way to do that is to differentiate; to wow potential buyers with new features they didn't even realize they needed. These unique offerings include 3D head-tracking, product scanning and fast help from customer service agents.

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Crazay3620d ago

That's unfortunate but when there's room for improvement, the companies that make the devices will improve on it.


In defense of the Amazon Fire Phone

The Fire Phone is widely regarded as one of Amazon’s biggest misfires — and rightfully so. After debuting in the top spot of the company’s retail..

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Amazon Has Finally Given Up On The Fire Phone

In January 2015, Amazon Fire phone earned our top spot for the being the biggest tech flop of 2014.

proudly_X3207d ago

long over due. Finally, we can have some fresh air.

Aldous_Snow3205d ago

As terrible as it was... you are making such claims because they have ran out of stock? Lol

Just another example of people making up their own news stories.

proudly_X3205d ago

Lol.. run out of stock from what was never bought.. nice try buddy..

Aldous_Snow3205d ago (Edited 3205d ago )

So now you're claiming Amazon never sold a single Fire Phone? Nice try... Keep moving those goalposts.

proudly_X3205d ago

Everyone knows the Fire phone was a flop. If Amazon should suddenly go out of stock of it's product that has been collecting dust in store shelves, it does raises an eye brown..

jronj3205d ago

They ran out of stock because they have been practically giving them away over the last few months.


Amazon reportedly lays off staff and scales back hardware development in wake of Fire Phone flop

techSpot: Amazon has laid off “dozens of engineers” from its Lab126 hardware unit as a result of the Amazon Fire Phone’s failure, according to reports from The Wall Street Journal.

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Stringerbell3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

I completely forget about this (go figure). It seems everyone and their mother wants to be in the phone market. Anecdotally everyone I know either has a Samsung or Iphone, 99 percent of the news you'll see on this site is covering these brands with the occasional Chinese phone manufactures (Huawei, Xiaomi) or the old hey remember Blackberry piece.

I think the hardest thing facing newcomers to this market is breaking into the lexicon, pseudo brand recognition but not really. For instance few people in the general public realize that Sony makes one hell of a smart phone with their Xperia. But you'll sooner find a unicorn walking down the street than seeing an Xperia in the hands of a friend or even a complete stranger.

Think in terms of MP3 players, at their height Ipod somehow become synonymous with all MP3 players just like in the early 90's you weren't playing video games you were playing Nintendo.

Point being even if your phone is a great piece of tech, sometimes society as a whole could care less because it isnt something they know or even care to learn about.