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First iPhone 6 buyer drops phone during live interview

Nope! It’s not a drop test. Jack took the title of being the first person globally to pick up the iPhone 6 on launch date, but his enthusiasm to show off his newly acquired merch resulted in a case of butter fingers as he accidentally dropped the phone onto the concrete pavement during an interview.

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ironfist923562d ago

I'd have done the same. Harder. Probably stomped on it too.

Ares84HU3562d ago

After spending your hard earned money you would just destroy the phone because you hate apple so much?

You are an idiot!

Blacktric3562d ago

"You are an idiot!"

Says the guy who's incapable of understanding a hyperbolic statement.

annoyedgamer3561d ago

You must be one of those people who goes on YT videos of people drop testing phones and complains about how that could have been put to better use and ending world hunger...

Yi-Long3561d ago

Apple couldn't even spend a couple of bucks on decent packaging. Tragic.

Ares84HU3561d ago


I don't think it was. There is so much hate against Apple and the iPhone 6 especially that even if it was it's hard to tell at this point.


Let's not go overboard here. First of all, I don't even check out drop test videos. Second, yes there would be a better use for it but at least those videos tell people an important thing. In this case the guy just drops his phone because he is clumsy. But having so much hate against a company and a product that you are willing to spend money on it just to destroy it....that is just pure idiocy.

hiredhelp3559d ago

Always hate towords apple even thoe its anerican company yet dont see apple users hating andriod.
Wonder why sniggers

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3559d ago
DevilOgreFish3561d ago

I don't buy things just to break them, and why would you? you would only be making them richer, they don't give money back for your incompetence. in the end they would still be collecting the money.

After you pay for something, what you chose to do with your stuff is not their concern.

GenericNameHere3562d ago

Do both models get Sapphire screens? I thought they were unscratchable?

JamshiJack3561d ago

both have shatter proof glasses, this is unfortunate ...

ssean2273561d ago

Actually neither. Apple went with some other type of screen. Sapphire is only on the camera lens.

Devil-X3562d ago

Kinda awkward that he didn't smash that thing against a wall. :P

mcstorm3561d ago

Haha I could not help but LOL when I watched the video. Feel sorry for the guy and would hate that to happen to me but it is funny.

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Apple intentionally throttles older phones to prevent unexpected battery issues

Apple has officially commented on why its older devices may not perform as expected.

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Speed-Racer2373d ago

Sometimes Apple loses sight of what they think consumers want versus what we really want.

SSmoke2372d ago

I was on the fence about the Iphone8 or the new Samsung but that new Galaxy is looking damn good right now... peace apple!

MaxedOutGamer2372d ago

This is more Apple BS. When Apple launches a phone, they try to get as much sales as possible, even at the expense of their own customer base. A new iphone is released and suddenly your phone starts working like crap, obviously it makes the new iphone more appealing. They've been doing this since the original iphone. Funny how this isn't a problem for any other phone manufacturer.

supermonkeyfox2372d ago

I think it's more that continually evolving software updates bloat and eventually render the device sluggish. New code is written to take advantage of new hardware, at the expense of owners of the older models.

KingPin2371d ago

so then why even bother updating the older hardware if thats the case. i mean, its not like the older OS is not safe or unstable so why the need to update it. everything works just fine as is. ever heard if it aint broke.....

blacktiger2372d ago

Corporation are for themself. Time for decentralization!


China users complain of combustible iPhones: consumer watchdog

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iPhone 6 and 6 Plus plagued by widespread 'Touch Disease' issue

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