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Galaxy S IV to have floating touch and Green PHOLED material AMOLED display

Sammobile: According to yet another rumour, the Galaxy S IV will use a new kind of AMOLED technology that will increase power efficiency

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gdguide4120d ago

If Samsung can release this phone with basically a hover over option and patent it properly, it's going to really handicap Apple from having a pretty essential feature in the evolution of these phones. Also patent the crap out of flexible displays that they've shown so Apple doesn't steal that idea by releasing their rumored flexible display watch.

Jihaad_cpt4120d ago

Floating touch and flexible displays have already been done by Sony though. So I guess Sony could profit too...

NewMonday4120d ago

Samsung is pulling gimmicks left and right, they are going all out for the "don't know what that is but sounds awesome" market.

like Apple and many other companies that had success they don't know where to go until someone else shows them.

SnakeCQC4117d ago

gimmicks? if you'd prefer phones just be phones go buy an old nokia

RE_L_MAYER4120d ago

It is time for radioactive batteries that have glowing green goo in them so we dont have to charge our phones every day

cyclindk4120d ago

There was an article on here or Yahoo recently, guy one an award for battery tech. Charge batteries in 2 to 3 minutes fully and use for about a week at a time.

Hope they are finally on the way and not being held back by the bureaucracy.

RE_L_MAYER4119d ago

In wiki there is nothing about graphene creating power-its rather a strength material

Speed-Racer4119d ago

It can be used as a base of a potential super transistor because of its storage capabilities.


Samsung To Release New Versions Of Galaxy S4 & S4 Mini

ThatNaijaBlog - Samsung To Release New Versions Of Galaxy S4 & S4 Mini

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Israeli researchers say Samsung S4 phone has security vulnerability

UPI- Samsung's flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4, has a security flaw that could let malicious software track emails and record data communications, experts say.


By rigging the performance of Galaxy devices, who is Samsung really trying to impress?

Vyralize: For the second time, it’s been revealed that Samsung has been rigging its benchmark scores. Given that they had done it once before with the Galaxy S4 smartphone, many tech reviewers were skeptical as to whether or not Samsung would do the same with the Galaxy Note 3, turns out they did.

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eferreira3912d ago

Funny how quiet this comment section is. Oh wait. It's not bashing apple.

SilentNegotiator3912d ago (Edited 3912d ago )

Exactly what I was thinking. The Techspy community is way too fervorous in its Apple-hate/Samsung-hump focus.

I don't like Apple and I love the Galaxy series, but I don't see a point to all of this trashing of Apple. Apple creates a new version of iPhone every few months with minor improvements; so do all phone companies. Apple uses DRM; so does everyone else.

But I can understand why people like Apple. They DO make good hardware, overpriced or not.

iamnsuperman3912d ago (Edited 3912d ago )

"I don't like Apple and I love the Galaxy series, but I don't see a point to all of this trashing of Apple. Apple creates a new version of iPhone every few months with minor improvements; so do all phone companies. Apple uses DRM; so does everyone else. "

I really hate this. I would rather phones come out less often but with bigger upgrades. You buy a phone, a month later it is out of date and the company has brought out a new phone.

More on the article but I have no idea what Samsung is doing. Do they really need to do this. Most of the people who buy Samsung get it because they think Android is Samsung (talking about the people who do not come here). Samsung is getting to become that company. This is down right misleading

My annoyance to Apple is different. It is because they treat the consumers as if they are idiots (in the press conferences) by using over complicated buzzwords to sell the product (their adverts are no better). That is what annoys me about Apple. There are few companies I like because I hate being spoken down to instead of been spoken at

sync903912d ago

Apple make good hardware? Apart from Applemac's the rest of there stuff is 'made in china' cheap garbage

SilentNegotiator3912d ago

"I really hate this. I would rather phones come out less often but with bigger upgrades. You buy a phone, a month later it is out of date and the company has brought out a new phone"

That's just something we have to deal with in technology. Almost all electronics work this way, other than closed platforms like video game consoles.

" Apple make good hardware? Apart from Applemac's the rest of there stuff is 'made in china' cheap garbage "

Everyone makes their stuff in China. It's about design.

kevnb3912d ago (Edited 3912d ago )

apple makes a new phone every year, twice as fast as the last one. They dont try and fool customers like samsung and other android oems do. They arent rigging benchmarks or throwing specs around that are meant to sound more impressive then they really are. Apple is all about actual quality and user experience, the only other company I see doing the same is HTC with the HTC one. (even htc has been caught cheating on benchmarks, probably to keep up with samsung)
I picked up the samsung galaxy s4 and it still pauses and stutters when doing simple things, the htc one works great and my iphone 5 is still the smoothest user experience ive had since I cant find a 5s.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3912d ago
Upbeat3912d ago

Maybe because your the first to comment ? lol

Dasteru3912d ago

Honestly i do not see anything wrong with this, a benchmark should be determining the maximum capabilities of the hardware, not the dumbed down "Desktop" clocks. If the CPU firmware is capable of dynamic clock adjustment for apps than that is what should be scored.

SirBradders3912d ago (Edited 3912d ago )

Thats what i was thinking, i said on another article that if the phone is capable of producing them scores on benchmarks then developers could utilise that same power.

tehnoob33912d ago

That's what I thought, but the power that is going to the benchmarks is not accesible by devs.

Any computer has a limiter on its processor heat, but during benchmarks the Samsung devices forgo that limiter. The devices let themselves overheat to inflate benchmarks.

Source : AnandTech

kevnb3912d ago

they push the phone past the limits it would operate at, on a short benchmark they can forget about thermals and battery life.

LordDhampire3912d ago

thats not rigging, the cpu can run like that in other intensive apps. rigging is changing the scores not the phone boosting its own speed

Speed-Racer3912d ago

I like how this thread still ended up turning into an Apple bashing session even though it was strictly an Android topic.

SilentNegotiator3912d ago

LOL yeah...what can ya do?

....oh right, you're an admin. There's a lot you could do.

Speed-Racer3912d ago

I could hide eferreira's comment but then you all would accuse me of being biased. I really can't win in any situation, huh? lol.

SilentNegotiator3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

If you're concerned about people calling you biased for marking a comment off-topic, pass the torch.

Only idiots will call you biased over that. The community knows you well enough not to think that of you.

denero13912d ago

Don't worry you always win the battle of love lmao

Speed-Racer3912d ago

Made my morning with that comment xD

FinalomegaS3912d ago

is it possible to just show his comment as "hide" *this comment has been altered by the admin.*

Speed-Racer3912d ago

Yea but I figured it wasn't too off topic. A heated debate indeed but not offensive enough to call for it to be hidden. Just funny how it played out like that. xD