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Google, Apple And Uber Say They Would Not Help Build A Muslim Registry

In response to questions from BuzzFeed News, Google, Apple, and Uber said they would not help build a Muslim registry. Meanwhile, Oracle declined to comment.

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KingPin2740d ago


i find this ridiculous.

what would make a muslim kid become a terrorist?
a) letting him live free in a country he is born in with equal rights as his fellow citizens
b) monitoring him like he is an outcast and treating him like a criminal even if he did nothing wrong.

NecotheSergal2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

What would make a muslim kid become a terrorist? Easy. Being brainwashed by ISIS.

If you have, a certain threshold of radical Islamic terrorists - and they have a son - do you not think they will teach them their ways of thinking? That is precisely what they do, and a lot, LOT more angrily and feverishly than Christian children are raised. Many daughters can't even date White guys or Christian men without being punished by their parents, extremely harshly. There are many radicals that exist that simply do NOT wish to integrate, and they hate the U.S and Western society.

You can overlook Christian indoctrination into their faith in 2016, but we have to recognize how huge, and how huge Christianity was in the past, and how bloody it was, how many wars it started. If you can remember that part of history of 'Western Faith', than just imagine Islamic radicalism. being 'Old school Christianity' where they went on witch hunts and were feverishly paranoid and hateful towards everything that went against their God and the Quran, that is Islamic Radical Terrorism. People have to be very careful with this topic these days. You should look and see how much Islamic migrants have torn apart so many places of Europe, rape crimes sky rocketing, news stories and police reports are being hushed as places like Sweden 'pretend these crimes don't exist' so the migrants don't look bad, reporting a hate-crime or assault on a Migrant or 'Brown skinned suspect' makes Swedens get called a Racist or Hate-mongerer of those with 'different views'. Girls being raped are told by their government over there that they are 'just trying to show you their interests'. There is too much stupid, disgusting and unimaginable things I've seen happen in Europeans, that slowly is coming to the U.S. It's best you all prepare for the worst for the next 4 years. Once ISIS is crushed, things can go back to normal.

Don't underestimate their brainwashing capabilities, they've turned plenty of moronic white people to side and sympathize with them. As a reference to what I was talking about, of kids being brainwashed, I was referencing what I had read recently, so if you don't believe me, or at least what I'm suggesting? Go read the news story about the '12-year-old planned nail bomb attack on Christmas market' in the German town of Ludwigshafen. Where a 12-year-old German-Iraqi apparently tried to carry out a nail bomb attack on the Christmas market.

We have to try to be as respectful as possible, and not be bigots, yes. However, we have to make borders better and the security, because - we may try to want to be the Nice guys and give everyone a free chance, but you have to realize, Islamic Terrorists exist, there are MILLIONS of them - not a small number, not a small minority - that's a myth. There could be up to 800 Million of them theoretically. That, they do Not want to integrate into Western society, they have no desire to integrate and assimilate into our cultures, but to destroy it from within - that is their long-term plan. To come in, slowly fill it up, and rot it from the inside and out-breed 'whities' and locals - then kill them all off.

KingPin2739d ago (Edited 2739d ago )

while i agree with everything you said, my comment was limited to trumps decision to create a registry of all muslims. Not just foreign ones that want to come into america from now on but one of every muslim in america, including muslim americans thats in their 7th generation or more.

dont you think it'll be easier to brainwash kids by simply telling them "your government thinks you a bad guy thats why they dont treat you equally even though your father and grandad have been loyal law abiding citizens of america their entire lives". that would piss off anyone of any race and creed if it were to happen to them. be honest, if that was you an your government only monitored you based on your religion, would you be ok with it knowing the guy next to you has more freedom even though you are "equal" citizens.

i agree that there are millions of terrorist but islam is the second biggest religion in the world. totalling something like 25% of the global population. any minority of that will end up in the millions. it is not a myth. example - if you have 2 billion people and only 1% is terrorist, that 2 million terrorist. does that mean the entire religion is corrupt? and if so, should we lock all black people in prison now because judging by prison figures, 75% of inmates are black and 80% of all crimes are committed by black people. so should we lock up innocents now "just to be safe"?

im not defending muslims/terrorist, but painting everyone with the same brush is simply generalizing and last time i checked, thats wrong. i dont sympathize with terrorist/muslims, i sympathize with innocents who get caught in the cross-fire.

NecotheSergal2736d ago

@Kingpin - Well, he wants to vet through and find if there's any criminal history in them and their family - and rightfully so, seeing all the problems going on in Europe and how EU is letting it happen. He's definitely allowed to feel both angered by other foreign powers and in wanting to ensure America doesn't suffer the same fate as Sweden and Germany and the many others being destroyed from the inside.

Well, I'd compare it to the disparities that existed after Pearl Harbor, anyone that looked Asian were especially feeling that way - so in a way, it's a natural result of impending war, the hate-mongering and generalization. I'd never promote hostility towards a muslim or middle-eastern-foreigner who in all ways - assimilated to Western culture and accepts their new country as their own and integrated with society. They have to fight for their right amidst their generalized-other, the loud and fanatic. It'll be a war of attrition, of racism, of bigotry, of hatred, but just as Americans don't pick on the Japanese with racial tones and of anger during the period of WW2 and Pearl Harbor? Same too I can see in the future, will be for those of muslim ancestry. It takes time, and we can't force or cry about feelings or be in 'defense' like a SJW would, or a Liberal would - it fixes nothing and relies more on Feels - while all well and good to have Humanity in us before hatred - it doesn't get the job done, imo.

Well, if I were raised as I was currently, and I knew my situation, but I knew I was innocent and would defend my country? I'd tell my government that I'm with them against the radicals of my ancestral culture. I'd let them know I'm compliant with them and that I am their countryman. It's a nasty time, but it has to be paid, we're only human - we cannot escape the hating and generalizations of entire cultures as a due-process of impending war. Humans need to get it off their chests, the differences, the conflicts, the pent-up anger. It was to the Japs and the Germans in WW2 - every racial slur and insult you could toss would be used without remorse or guilt or shame - because they were the Enemy. No german could be found in the States unless working for the government as a Spy, would be caught dead - and Japanese who were business men, had difficulty trying to live honest lives during this time period - history like this is going to repeat, but for Muslims. They simply? Have to persevere.

NecotheSergal2736d ago

@Kingpin #2 - @Kingpin - Big difference between locking up, or punishing before anyone does anything. Besides, I'd take Trumps word that his objective is as said before, a Temporary Ban - or an Extreme vetting - "Until we understand what is happening, and how we can secure our borders" - hostility doesn't last forever, so the concept at least from our understanding as a citizen, is that he wants to shut things down and then take a good long look at what needs to be done - besides destroying ISIS. If Borders are secure and Legals come in, and people who want to integrate come in, and don't have a criminal record or a history of violence/rape, etc - I'd simply hope those innocents don't have problems coming into the U.S. and if they do - Canada is open too.

Aye, that's what most of us simple folk can do - hope for the best, and hope the innocents don't get in the crossfire, the problem is, is that ISIS is intentionally mingling WITH the innocents to try to blend in and get inside of places. They don't care for the common man, the radicals don't care if they blow up a few of their own, or non-radicals in order to get a mission accomplished. Extreme measures on their end, needs to be met with sometimes, equally-extreme measures. We can't counter it in a way that is perfect, and in no way harms innocents, it's essentially an impossibility with war, in my mind. Many innocents will suffer, and the only way to try to stop that is by going in Hard, fast, and extreme, and getting the job done ASAP - rather than a slow, painful process like the 15 years in Iraq - need to go in, fuck shit up, destroy everything bad, chemo the area and leave. If you can think of a better battle plan, then get hired and provide the strategies for them that would hopefully reduce casualties.


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