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Google blocks porn on Google Glass

Vyralize: Planning to watch a bit of ‘hardcore’ action via your Google Glasses? Google has made it harder after they banned X-rated content in its Developers Terms.

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Settler4034d ago

Will they also ban the Internet?

kreate4033d ago

they been trying... u gotta move to countries like Russia for true freedom.

Kornholic4033d ago

Russia and freedom in the same sentence? *Cough* Pussy Riot *Cough*. You get arrested there for speaking your mind!

-Best regards from your neighboring country, Finland ;)

Cryptcuzz4033d ago

Let me ask you something.

Why would Google try to block the internet when their major source of income is through their search engine, that is done through the internet?

Please. Use. More. Brain.

LKHGFDSA4034d ago

oh, only for glassware content.
So we can still go "Okay Glass, search horse porn images" into people's devices.

Madusha4034d ago

It's more of a stand for the dignity of the company rather than to try stop this from occurring. It can't be stopped!

uuaschbaer4034d ago

Strange idea of dignity. Moronic, in fact.

sephiroth4204034d ago

lol good idea, you dont want people wanking in public now, do you?

sephiroth4204032d ago

lol i call people wankers all the time, dont usually say wanking though... what do you refer to it as?

ZoyosJD4033d ago

It's a ban for apps of that content, not what's available on the internet.

You can still google that all day long.

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ajax172506d ago

"780mAh battery" yeah, no thanks. I've seen what batteries do when they overheat; but hopefully they won't have a Samsung situation.