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Google eavesdropping tool installed on computers without permission

The Guardian:

Privacy campaigners and open source developers are up in arms over the secret installing of Google software which is capable of listening in on conversations held in front of a computer.

Privacy advocates claim always-listening component was involuntarily activated within Chromium, potentially exposing private conversations

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sonicwrecks3284d ago

More than a little concerning, isn't it.

Stringerbell3284d ago

Time to buy a type writer and a rotary phone.

blackblades3284d ago

Lol we still got our type writer.

ironfist923284d ago

Why is shit like this continuouslyl allowed to happen.

blackblades3284d ago

Cause they think they can do whatever they want because they higher then us and think they know what's best for us.

zeal0us3284d ago

Because big business got the courts and government in their pockets

Stringerbell3283d ago

Not the EU. I remember reading an article maybe a month ago (I'll try to link it) it was an apologist type piece. That the EU was being too hard on companies like FB, Google, and Amazon... And then news like this breaks...

joeorc3283d ago (Edited 3283d ago )

And, this shocks people?

NSA key has been a back door into windows OS for the NSA well before this and ships free with every copy of your Windows OS for the Govt. And Microsoft to get into your PC with or without your OK, as long as its connected to the internet all compute devices has some or more rookits built into them
Remember a ..Root Kit = or means Root Access to a compute device. When you hear the old saying " they say all of your Base's are ours" they really do mean, keep it off line if it worried you that much or even better yet live boot without a hard drive and only an optical drive running your live bootable OS.

Linux is pretty good for live booting without the need for a physical HD.

Tzuno3283d ago

I always dodged Google, i am happily use Firefox for years.

chadwarden3283d ago

Have you dodged Youtube and Gmail as well?

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