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Google Glass: The Future is now, and it’s Awkward-looking

Planet Ivy: At this early stage, it’s pretty hard to predict exactly what the Google Glass is set to represent to the world in general. Is it the kind of sleek, minimalistic lifestyle enhancer that today’s go-getter just can’t live without, or is it just an offbeat product for tech nerds? Is it, in fact, the Bluetooth headset’s heir apparent as the universal dick badge? Is it some kind of sinister omen of a future in which we each live in our own warped fantasy bubble? As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities, particularly if you’re willing to entertain paranoid delusions.

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erinkatrina4122d ago

The guy in the picture says it all-they look ridiculous!
Can't see these taking off!

Gazondaily4121d ago

If it was more aesthetically pleasing it would be brilliant. There have been so many scenarios where I have wished I had recorded something- it may have been a joke, a series of events or even nights out.

This is the next best thing to strapping a Go Pro to your head but I do wish it didn't look so silly.

ZoyosJD4121d ago

There are some glasses available just for recording.

Pivothead, Inventio, and I-kam, are some examples of brands although you should hit some reviews up before you buy, as I have minimal experience with any.

appleandroid4122d ago

You say that-but I bet when you try it you're gonna have your head blown off (metaphorically) and want one..

androidboy4121d ago

Sure-but I bet they also have the potential to look as dumb as those earpieces people have for phones (in my opinion anyway)

jimmyofages4121d ago

I really want to try this, ultimate Virtual Reality device.

crysister4121d ago

Yep-I will pre-order on day of release! :)

mrtechnology4121d ago

I think it's natural to hate on the big things Google does-but between this and the self-drive cars, I'd say they were pretty damn innovative..

Knight_Crawler4120d ago

Because Google made money from your personal information by selling to marketing companies.

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Google's AR project shows what real-world subtitles could look like

Is this the next iteration of Google Glass?

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This Amazon-backed startup is working on smart glasses that don't suck

Modern technology is built into new smart glasses now being offered by Waterloo, Canada-based North, formerly Thalmic Labs. Focals feature a transparent holographic display built into its lenses that only the wearer can see.

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Google Glass Enterprise Edition Now Available

Google partner Streye is selling Google Glass Enterprise Edition for $1,800.

ajax172506d ago

"780mAh battery" yeah, no thanks. I've seen what batteries do when they overheat; but hopefully they won't have a Samsung situation.