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Google Nexus 4 Versus Samsung Galaxy S3

Chillopedia | For some time Samsung has been seen as the premier smartphone manufacturer out of Korea. The Galaxy series has been widely lauded as excellent smartphones the world over, though it should be noted that there are regional differences in processors and features (depending upon the mobile phone deals offered in a particular region).

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CptBach4182d ago

Come on... VERSES

How does it get approved???

Speed-Racer4182d ago

Don't be a wise guy, you were the one who submitted 'verses' in the first place. I had to change it later on.

Fat Onion4182d ago

Off contract Nexus 4 Cost $300. Galaxy S3 Cost $600.

Nexus 4 Wins!

bigfish4182d ago

I prefer 'Versus' to be perfectly honest.

KingPin4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

anyone know the clear cut difference between the nexus 4 and the LG optimus G?

to me they seem to be the same phone in a different shell.

lsujester4182d ago

I have an Optimus G while my wife has a Nexus 4. Different housing, Optimus is more squared and industrial, Nexus is rounded off more. Optimus has LG's custom skin and carrier bloatware on top of ICS, while Nexus has pure Android 4.2. Optimus has LTE, while the Nexus only runs HSPA+. Those are the biggest differences.

There are a few other minor ones like the placement of certain items like the notification LED.

arjman4182d ago

Optimus G has a better camera as well doesn't it?

lsujester4181d ago

Couldn't say. I usually have a camera around, so I rarely take phone shots.

chukamachine4182d ago

rofl, why bother submitting that.

Go onto any phone site to compare specs, and abetter job as well.

S3 all day long.

Blasphemy4182d ago

Seriously this has got to be the most pathetic comparison I have ever seen LOL.

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More Nexus 5 Users Receive Android 5.1 Lollipop Update, Nexus 4, 7, 9 Are Next

TechFrag - The Android 5.1 Lollipop update was made available to only select users in March when Google announced the latest update. The update is now being rolled out to additional users of Nexus 5.

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bahadur3356d ago

There was a battery leak issue with the 5.0 but now it seems it's resolved with the 5.1 update. I have this phone and I have got the update.


Android L now available for the Nexus 4 in addition to Nexus 5 and Nexus 7

"Until now this version was only available for the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013), but developers recently got it working on the Nexus 4 as well."

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