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Google says there are only two genders, pissing off millions

People around the world ask Google tons of questions, like the best way to cut a mango. That's why it's important when it messes up big time.

When asked the question “how many genders are there“, a block at the top of the search results appears saying there there are only two — male and female. We all know, however, that there are millions of people around the world that don’t identify being male or female – rather associating with one of many non-binary identities.

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2pacalypsenow2904d ago (Edited 2904d ago )

It true, just because someone thinks they an be whatever they want doesn't make it so.

Gondee2903d ago

Gender is a man made concept. The fact that we feel there is 2 reflects the majority thoughts. There is no right and wrong as its a cultural construction (ie. Man made). There is only 2 Sexes however

2pacalypsenow2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Right and I guess reproductive organs and male and female traits separating us is also a man made concept? Then I guess you can say anything is a man made concept like human rights,freedom etc...

Men and Women has been establish as the name for each gender for thousands of years, now that some liberal nutcases decide to create they're own gender doesn't mean its real.

In that case I can consider myself a cat and everyone has to see me as a cat

Ogygian2903d ago

Colour is also a man made concept, but everyone who is not insane accepts that the basic colours are yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple, brown, black, white, and grey.

Gender is of course complex, but the simple answer is that there are two basic genders.

Gondee2903d ago

Sex is determined by your physical organs. Gender is prescribed at birth by the culture where the child is born. That is the formal and literal meanings of these words.

Bimkoblerutso2903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

Gondee is technically correct. "Gender" is actually a cultural identification, not a biological one.

The real ridiculousness here is that it has to be a goddamn "OUTRAGE!!!" every time semantic mistakes like these are made.

As far as I can tell, Google has already rectified their mistake, so all those folks out there that don't want to admit what they biologically are can peacefully return to describing themselves as...whatever the hell you want to come up with to shallowly describe your individuality.

2903d ago
big_dom_returns2903d ago

You read some idiotic things online these days. Are people getting more and more stupid as time goes on? Now, that's a debate to be had.

The fact you you think gender is a man made concept is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read from anyone on the internet...ever. Well done. You've discovered a new level of stupid.

annoyedgamer2903d ago

Its "athropogenic" not "man-made". Saying man made makes men the center of terminology and that is sexist. Its 2016, learn to speak inclusive gender neutral languages!


antikbaka2903d ago

Say it to the police officer if you get robbed and you have to describe the robber. "Oh I donnow whether it was male or female, Xe didn't say xer gender identification?" I'm pretty sure you would forget all this gender bull*** you are talking about.

hay2902d ago

Millions? We have millions of sociopaths on this planet?!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2902d ago
ravinash2903d ago

What if your a hermaphrodite?

That's not a gender field on a form... that's a physical human development of both gender physiology.

stuna12903d ago (Edited 2903d ago )

But technically that is still two genders, just a combination of both.

One could also say transgendor is just a reversal of someone born a certain gender who opts to switch gender roles to the opposite gender role.

2pacalypsenow2903d ago

Just because someone wants to be a girl or boy doesn't mean they are, fine if they think they are but don't tell me I have to say its normal or right.

MilkMan2903d ago Show
thorstein2903d ago

So, Google had a press conference or had a press release stating such? That doesn't sound like them.

Can we have evidence of this please?

No. We have the results of a mathematical algorithm.

So, GOOGLE hasn't said any such thing. What crap journalism.

jjb19812903d ago

There's no more than two genders for the human anatomy. Whether you're a male, female or both, there is no more than two genders. You can call yourself whatever you want but the math says it all. Google is right. Disagrees just confirm the truth. 😁

EazyC2903d ago

Gender is a metaphysical concept though, I wasn't really aware of what the delineation was between "sex" & "gender" until quite recently. "Effeminate gay man", for example, is a gender, as it's a sort of sub-strata or variant of the standard male. If you've encountered them, you'll know what I mean. They're a very distinct type of human being, sort of like a subspecies of animal.

annoyedgamer2903d ago

How fascinating! Will we be collecting specimens for laboratory study? Perhaps create a sanctuary for this new species?

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