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Hauppauge HD PVR Review

"Have you ever wished you could record true HD video game footage from your Xbox 360 or PS3 to put up on YouTube? Thanks to the HD PVR by Hauppauge you can finally do just that! This handy video recording device can record off of component for HD video or composite for SD video."

Cody @

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toaster4890d ago

The funny thing is... 98% of console games don't even run in 'true HD' :3 If you want true HD there is only one platform, PC. It only does everything ;)

Anarki4889d ago Show
Blaine4889d ago

Only a nub would comment on "teh reZolution" when we're discussing capturing gameplay.

I would love to have a PVR. Could make some pretty sick gameplay vids--show off my skills. :P

ATiElite4889d ago

well some console games are in 720p but this device only records up to 1080i. Anything less than 1080p ain't worth it.

Best to just have a pimping PC that does beyond 1080p.

toaster4889d ago

Some? Just some? How about most.. yeah that sounds more like it. Most console games are lower resolution, usually 1280x720, and are upscaled to 1920x1080. That is not native 1080p. There are only a few games with native 1080p and those are usually PSN/XBLA games with low polygons and textures.

I don't even game at 1080p anymore, that was like 6 years ago. 1920x1200 and above now, I'd like to get a 2560x1600 monitor or a triple screen setup.

ATiElite4889d ago

The reason I said some is because a lot of the AAA console titles are below 720. No AAA 360 game is 720 but the Ps3 has improved as now most AAA are 720.

gaming across 3 monitors is cool cause thats what I do, I just wish NO bexel or ultra thin bezel monitors would hurry up and be released at a decent price. Now that we have LED back-lite monitors it should happen.

So before you say it the NEC ones are out of my price range

xDaRkModEx4889d ago

I used to own one of these. It records pretty good.

xAlmostPro4889d ago

I have one, they're fantastic! More so for people who don't have a good enough PC to install an internal capture card that's compatible with console.

DiLeCtioN4889d ago

reduce the dam price, its been out for years now and not much drop in


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BLow2982d ago

Oh, boy I can imagine how this thread will turn out. I'm kind of surprised by this news but then I'm not because....well....
Grabs popcorn.....

PhoenixUp2982d ago

Xbox 360 had a good run. I thought Wii would be globally discontinued before this happened.

2982d ago
hduce2982d ago (Edited 2982d ago )

It's sad to see it go but some good things must come to an end. I met a lot of good people who have become longtime friends on the Xbox 360.

Tzuno2982d ago

I hope they will not abandon the manufacturing of X360 controllers, i find them the best.