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Here’s How to Install Your Windows 10 Upgrade Right Now – No Waiting Required

If you’re one of the millions of Windows 7 and Windows 8 users out there, you can now update your systems with the latest operating system from Microsoft – Windows 10. In the latest edition, you’ll be able to enjoy Cortana, and for most people the relief of a more traditional “Start” menu. If you’re looking to update your Windows installation right now, but you can’t download the software because you’re stuck in a virtual line, here’s how to get things moving.

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Stevefantisy3248d ago

Awesome! Thanks so much for the heads up.

Jacktrauma3248d ago

Sweet! I've been hearing about problems with this. This makes alot more sense now! :)

Magnus7013248d ago

The upgrade went quick and easy. Only about 40 minutes from start to finish including download time. Thanks!

Aldous_Snow3248d ago (Edited 3248d ago )

I like it, smooth and fast but with the occasional lag.

Make sure you turn off WiFi Sense in the settings. Disgusting hidden feature that most users will know nothing of. Whoever thought of it should be fired. Will eventually lead to all sorts of problems down the line.

sealava3247d ago

but can you tell me why it's best to turn off WiFi Sense?

FlameBaitGod3247d ago (Edited 3247d ago )

Wi-Fi Sense allows you to automatically log your friends(everyone) onto your Wi-Fi network without ever giving them your password

Aldous_Snow3247d ago

Pretty much what Flamebait said, which includes all your facebook "friends", outlook and skype contacts.

dota2champion3248d ago

Still couldn't get this to install!~

Wikkid6663248d ago

Are you getting an error code?

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Windows 10 upgrade notifications will stop trying to trick you

MWEB GameZone writes: "Microsoft has taken customer feedback into account and is changing the Windows 10 upgrade experience."

HanCilliers2912d ago

People should upgrade to W10, don't get why they wouldn't want it.

KingPin2912d ago

some professional software isnt compatible with windows 10 yet throwing unknown errors and constant issues.

and then theres the spying software that some people are not to keen about. forced updates for home users (WGA anyone?)
some devices dont work with 10. printers and peripherals.

on a personal note: i've upgraded to 10.....but linux mint is my default OS.

annoyedgamer2912d ago

Or maybe Microshaft should stop using malware to push their spyware service? Win 10 is horrendous ( I have used it). It has few benefits over Windows 8 and even less over 7.

Grap2912d ago

"Win 10 is horrendous"
by that statement i know you haven't fully used it.
I get people who don't use it for spyware service reasons and i sympathies with them, but in no way of shape or form W10 is less than W8 or even 7, MS really outdo them selves with W10 and if it weren't of their spyware service i would say it's even better than XP.

TXIDarkAvenger2912d ago (Edited 2895d ago )

I would have agreed before but because they force updates it breaks some of my programs and there is nothing I can really do about it.

xXx19902912d ago

lol this is great.. You guys act like Microsoft just started spying on people.. This has been going on for years


The three big reasons Windows 10 tablets don't cut it

Microsoft needs to fix battery life, screen and app issues if Windows 10 tablets are to compete with Android or the iPad

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Ask Jack: 10 quick questions about installing Windows 10 – and how to block it

The majority of the questions sent to Ask Jack are about Windows 10. Here are 10 recent ones, plus a bonus: how to stop or block the upgrade

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