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How True? iPhone 6 Has Exact Specs With The Dated Samsung Galaxy S3

I found something that really got me thinking; a Reddit user poked fun at the iPhone 6 for having the same specs as the “dated” 2012 Samsung Galaxy S3

proudly_X3089d ago

I don't know, but i think Apologetic iPhone fans will ignore this.. xD..


This iPhone fans I don't know why they are in favour of iphone. Their are many other competitors of iphone and much better than that. And yes they are going to ignore this.

proudly_X3089d ago

Lol.. Apple can market anything with their logo and it will sell like hot cakes

RetrospectRealm3088d ago

That's because Apple dominated the smart phone game earlier on and the 'iPhone' is synomous with 'smart phone'. So naturally, it would seem as though Apple would have the better product, whether that is true or not.


I really don't think that Apple isn't a good company but their are phones that can dominate Apple's iPhone.

princejb1343087d ago

I'm in favor of iPhone because it works better for my needs. I still have my htc one m8 that I use for streaming movies to the tv but other than that my experience with iOS has been much better than android.


You only told in the comment that you have an HTC for your extrawork. So what is the benefit of an iPhone if you have to carry an extra phone.

princejb1343087d ago

I only use it for my tv meaning I use it at home to cast movies
It used to be my main phone but I didn't care about customization and putting my music on my phone organized like I have it on iTunes was very complicated even with isyncr.

Hroach6163087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

It's because of simplicity. When you grab an iPhone as a regular user everything is incredibly intuitive and works how they should work. Or how the average person expects them to work. It's just that dimple.

Yes androids do a hell of a lot more, but they are finicky as hell. Half the people I know who use android are always complaining about one thing or another. You buy an iPhone it may not be the best piece of tech on the market. But it's going to work how you want it to without any issues for the most part.

8833087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )


Going to get so many disagrees based on the trend in here but I don't really care in this case. YOU NAILED IT!

So many of my friends who use their Android devices heavily for business are FREQUENTLY having problems with them and resetting them. Many are frankly oblivious to just how often they have to do this. The iPhone users mostly just go about using their phones and don't care that much about it (except when they first get a new one and have to pretend like they're not trying to impress everybody -- regardless of if anyone cares). Much like (not exactly like) PC/ Console... The Android can do more, but the polish/ease of use/overall experience is generally better on iOS for users who do not want to mess with the phone beyond the basics. The reality is that even most Android fan professional reviewers recognize Apple's rigid control on the hardware and software side has generally lead to a more polished collection of apps and overall experience when compared across the platforms. Freedom does not always = polish. More processing power is often a relatively low priority at this point in terms of what a phone needs in order to do what MOST phones are being used for. They're not running Witcher 3 at 4K or powering two Oculus Rift head sets. They're phones...

Kudos princejb134 and HRoach616

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2pacalypsenow3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

iOS requires less to run efficiently, android is a memory hog, same goes with MAC, I had a lenovo ultrabook back in 2012 that had an i5 4gb of ram and my macbook with the same specs and no SSD blew it out of the water in terms of performance.

eferreira3087d ago

Clearly android fanboys and rabbit to throw a million comments spewing hate. I love how most commenters like to talk about Apple users like we're some kind of primitive beast.

Just because I prefer a different product I'm already hated. If ragging about a product and soending hours online making fun of others is your priority then you really have to reevaluate your life.

SirBradders3087d ago

I think it's more the people who go round showing of their apple products like it's some kind of right to a special club. At work all the time you get these loosers going round showing of their iPhones to everyone when they get it.

Ive never seen an android user do the aforementioned. I think thats where the hate spews from.

KingPin3087d ago

apple iphones are overpriced along with many apple products. its been known to many for a while now the only people who dont see it are apple loyalist.

maybe they do see it and choose to ignore it because "the software works well for the hardware so who cares. its still fast"

but showing them this, they will say "but its not the same...the iphone processor is 64bit not 32bit so its different so im buying the iphone."

we've seen this every year. no surprises here.

RetrospectRealm3087d ago

I think everyone sees it, but they're afraid of change. Plus, they're loyalists. It's very hard to get someone off of a product when it's been nothing but good to them. And I wouldn't exactly call them over priced, they're just priced higher than other smart phones that do the same thing. People still get their money's worth out of them.

eferreira3087d ago

Yet it still outperforms most flagship phones. If something is more efficient and optimized better with less specs why is that a negative? I've had many android products and like some of their features but with the constant crashes and freezes it turned me off.

My friends 7 year old Mac still runs great and my Samsung pc of three years already chugs. All just doing minimal use.

But then again I'm called a sheep because I prefer a different product than others.

2pacalypsenow3087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Maybe people like apple products and its OS that they are willing to pay that Apple premium doesn't make them loyalists they just like product , because you can't deny they have some of the best designed products on the market, that's why everyone tries to copy them

pandehz3087d ago

Lol the specs are swapped in the sheet and Iphone 6 and 6s have the highest benchmarks last and this year look it up.

They are the most powerful phones on earth.

My bro has a note 5 and an edge and my 6s is just so much snappier and plays everything better.

RazMaTaz01213087d ago (Edited 3087d ago )

Apple are good phones but I will always prefer an android alternative due to preference. I also think when Apple do something, it takes more notice compared to android, i.e. apple pay, apple watch etc has made a larger impact compared to the android counter part simply due to apple being a great marketer and strategist.

I have the Sony Z2 and owned it since launch, and have no impulse to upgrade for another year, maybe 2, because it simply so powerful already, and does everything to a high spec, including photos, multitasking, and everything else. My brother has the Iphone 6s, and while a newer phone, the leap is so minimal. You got quad core phone with 12+ mp cameras with great GPUs which can withstand everything nower days, its now just down to preference of the OS.

eferreira3087d ago

A logical and mature response. I prefer Apple but I see the benefits of android devices.

iliimaster3087d ago

thats crazy to see it,, but i have a gs3 and a iphone 4s and my iphone 4s is slow as hell but for texting and calling hands down iphone is best for me


Yes the same thing I want to make them understand but they aren't willing to. What is good If you need to carry an extra phone if the iPhone is best.

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Speed-Racer2373d ago

Sometimes Apple loses sight of what they think consumers want versus what we really want.

SSmoke2372d ago

I was on the fence about the Iphone8 or the new Samsung but that new Galaxy is looking damn good right now... peace apple!

MaxedOutGamer2372d ago

This is more Apple BS. When Apple launches a phone, they try to get as much sales as possible, even at the expense of their own customer base. A new iphone is released and suddenly your phone starts working like crap, obviously it makes the new iphone more appealing. They've been doing this since the original iphone. Funny how this isn't a problem for any other phone manufacturer.

supermonkeyfox2372d ago

I think it's more that continually evolving software updates bloat and eventually render the device sluggish. New code is written to take advantage of new hardware, at the expense of owners of the older models.

KingPin2371d ago

so then why even bother updating the older hardware if thats the case. i mean, its not like the older OS is not safe or unstable so why the need to update it. everything works just fine as is. ever heard if it aint broke.....

blacktiger2372d ago

Corporation are for themself. Time for decentralization!


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