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HTC’s One M9 is the world’s most beautiful disappointment

Listen to HTC talk about its flagship One smartphone, and you’ll hear a tale of heartfelt passion and commitment. No detail too small, no effort too strenuous.

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johny53398d ago

Tell that to the Galaxy s6:

unimpressive battery life
unimpressive storage options
unimpressive camera
unimpressive edgy gimmicks
unimpressive price = Disastrously unimpressive launch!

fr0sty3398d ago

or the iphone 6 with its many unimpressive traits.

The one thing I didn't like about this "review", for it to hate on the camera quality, they didn't post any pics for us to judge for ourselves, nor any comparisons to other phones' pics. Bunk review.

UKmilitia3398d ago

Im shocked that in 2015 we are having phones come out that dont have expandable memory.
mem cards are so cheap yet price they charge for such small amounts is way OTT.

the whole samsung phones are gimmicks.on my s3 i turned all features of as battery was terrbile,same with people i know with s4 and s5.

Sony z4 will be my next phone,i want a z3 to replace my z2 but i know the z4 is due soon and will be wwaiting.

subtenko3398d ago

Same here, I was like oh S6 coming out..mayyyybe they changed for the best..

Welp samsung made my choice super easy! Xperia Z 4 it is! :D

eferreira3398d ago

Lol can't go one day without someone bashing an iphone. So much hate in your dull life. Also to the fanboys who think this is a click bait article. It's someone's opinion and who cares if they don't like it. Buy what you like and don't be swayed to what others say. There is more to life than looking at a phone screen.


HTC One M9's price drops to $300 unlocked, HTC 10 is still $549

HTC has once again extended its $150 off deal for its current flagship smartphone, the 10. This was supposed to expire on October 16, but instead HTC's online store now shows it as available until October 31.

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Selected HTC phones on Sprint, Rogers and others to get Marshmallow Updates this Week

Selected HTC phones on Sprint, Rogers and others
to get Marshmallow Updates this Week

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xwebyna19943077d ago

Its great news Marshmallow Update will arrive this week


HTC One M9 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

This year's smartphone heavyweights go head to head.

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