So, what exactly are the improvements, the enhancements and the advantages of the iPhone 4S compared to the old iPhone 4? They will all be debated in a comprehensive iPhone 4 vs. 4S match.
Apple ultimately decided to resolve these six-year-old court proceedings and agreed to pay $15 to each impacted iPhone 4s holder.
According to Apple, they are working on making exterior design of iPhone 12 better. Jin Store has got the drawings as well as the moulds from case makers.
The Verge: All devices from the iPhone 4S to the iPhone X are impacted.
Fair play to them. On the ethical hacker side of things I would use the hack as leverage against Apple to continue to support their equipment. As they just dropped support for their iPad mini2’s etc. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with them, they work perfectly fine but are now blocked from receiving security updates etc. So the consumer is forced to purchase a new product that does the exact same thing.
Simple answer is No. It what the Iphone 4 should have been but lets be honest the amount apple update the phones the iphone 4 will be getting cheap and cheaper (if your iphone breaks) then fork out when the iphone 5 comes out (if you want an iphone). The new features are great but for me it is not worth cancelling my contract (getting charged for it) then get another Iphone contract and spending a lot to just get the phone/ spending around £500 for a pay as you go phone. Both options are very expensive. But then again this is just me. I would rather keep my money than buy a phone that quite possibly be out of date in one to two years with an upgrade being released.
im still very happy with my iphone 4
Siri is why im upgrading. Siri looks cool.
Its quite a cheap upgrade. But I like Siris :P
Let's just say that Siri is a long-distance drivers dream. :) Also a lazy persons dream, either way you will like Siri, and that is just the beta version.