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iPhone 5 : The End Of Apple's Smartphones Reign?

Technology Blog, Last night Apple launched its latest smartphone iPhone 5, which is successor of iPhone 4S. The release or launch event for iPhone was hosted by Tim Cook, and Apple's fans were waiting for it for a long time. The event was covered Live by many TV channels and online video streaming sites. As any other Apple product launch, this event was also focused to give exposure to iPhone 5 news features and specs.

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blogger874297d ago

"iPhone 5 : The End Of Apple's Smartphones Reign?", lets hope so. I'm not a fan of WP7 but WP8 will hopefully be better with perhaps PC gaming support. Android looks set to replace iPhone but then again Apple might come up with something new for others to modify and perfect later.

shrutivats944297d ago

Apple might come up with something new only if it realises the need to do so, till now they are not consedering any change in their decade old techniques. If Apple some how roll out a smartphone with external memory slot , a big tough screen and a reasonable price, then only it can survive

Clarence4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

Funny how everyone wants the apple to fell

samsung knows whats up they dropped the price of Samsung s3 to 99 dollars

The reasonable price is the Iphone 4 and 4s
The Iphone 5 will outsell any android phone on the market

Every smartphone maker on the market is trying to keep up with the apple.

gamesmaster4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

as much as i think the apple brand is becoming stagnant, the iPhone 5 will sell like hotcakes as usual.

Clarence here is a prime example of fanboys thinking

"Every smartphone maker on the market is trying to keep up with the apple."

with regards to what, hardware? software? sales? if its the latter i must say you statement to me really means nothing and is an example of someone blindly following what others are buying simply because they're buying it. You praise apple because they sell shitloads? i'll take my interest elsewhere to where the features and hardware are evolving constantly in a bid to give me the consumer a better experience. you can keep your lawsuits and proprietary connections.

SyWolf4296d ago

Gamesmaster, he's a fanboy but is kind of right. Even though Android phones have better hardware and arguably better software Apple's iDevices sell much better. My personal theory is it's a usability thing. Most consumers are scared of technology and with iOS it essentially couldn't be any more straight forward to use.

Azmatik4296d ago

With older tech thats in the iphone5 example- less reolution screens, no microSd support, and no mass storage support. These parts people will start to realise the iphone is garbage especially people like me i laugh at iphone owners when i say i put a 64gb SD in my galaxy phone and copy+paste my WoW game to my phone just to transfer it to a friends PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4296d ago
MEsoJD4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

I still don't understand why people are so bitchy about the new iphone. They managed to make it more powerful, sleek, and preserve good battery life. It seems people were expecting a dramatic change in the body, but it looks damn good. So why mess with a good thing? Why does the thing require the best specs? Hey I have a phone will a quad core, 5' screen, best bluetooth, and etc. Oh look that person over there has a phone there happy with but with lower specs than mine. Let me bitch at them and to the world instead of keeping to myself and not buying the product in question. Anyway fanboys suck no matter what they're supporting. That said, there's nothing wrong with being just a fan of something.

Knight_Crawler4296d ago

Dude not hating on the iphone but Steve Jobs was an innovator and he would be shame to see wat the iPhone is.

Yes after the the 4s we Iphone users were expecting Apple to to topple the Nokia 920 but they did not even match it.

Go google Nokia 920 vs iPhone 5 and then come back here and tell that the iPhone 5 was not a let down.

MEsoJD4296d ago

@Knight_Crawler I'm aware of the lumia 920 and I don't feel let down at all. What I like about the iphone isn't specifically the specs/power but the look/build quality and software/functionality. Currently I have a jailbroken iphone 4 and am considering either the galaxy s3 or the iphone 5. Hey if your let down, don't buy it(don't you hate that phrase?). More power to you.

krazykombatant4296d ago

@knight_crawler, you clearly forgot that Jobs was in charge of overseeing the likes of this iPhone the last ipad and other future projects for Apple.

The man was an innovator yes, but he was a also a business man as to why the some apple products have had small "innovations" per year.

hesido4296d ago

I'm extremely surpsised that the "i" devices could survive the horse crap that is iTunes. That alone steers me away from Apple products, the open nature of Android should have been much more enticing to People. But I guess people love being shackled.

extermin8or4296d ago

it's funny that but people do rather seem to like being controlled however much they say they don't; I digress- I love my android phone and am not impressed by the iphone 5 at all, not to mention as with most apple products I'd be able to get better tech for a lower price as they charge you a few organs just for the brand name; what really irritates me is when you see people saying they wont/can't buy whatever expensive NEW (as in actually a fairly significant upgrade over the last iteration)
because it's too much or they want to but can't afford to; or people just moaning that another phone is too expensive and you ask them what phone they've got and they reply with an iphone that's costing them like £35+ usually 40 something, and want the new one....

shrutivats944297d ago

it is a fact, it will not change if i will not think about it.

gaffyh4297d ago

iPhone 5 will outsell iPhone 4S at launch easily. Apple has got a very loyal fanbase.

shrutivats944297d ago

Apple is away from bankruptcy till not just because of those loyal fans, who loves to buy same design every time and hates new innovations and freedom

eferreira4296d ago

lol some people spend too much of their time on petty things. Let people buy what they want and do something productive with yourself.

MEsoJD4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

People like their products. Nothing is wrong with that. It doesn't effect us. Sure you may run into a snob about some product, but hey people suck and that's not going to change over what product they buy.

Thatguy-3104296d ago
That video just goes to show how powerful the apple brand is. Apple has their consumers brainwash and it seems they just suck up anything that's apple. All i know is I'll be getting myself a Galaxy Note 2.

Dfooster4296d ago

How can you take any article seriously where the grammar is all over the place making it practically unreadable.

Also from what I could fathom from the article, knocking the look of the iPhone 5 is kinda going against the general consensus of most journalists. Whilst everyone is entitled to their opinion, I think most people would say the iPhone 5 is a good looking phone and certainly isn't bettered in that department by the S3.

And if the person who wrote this lazy piece of journalism is so sure this will be the last ever iPhone I am willing to bet him/her whatever they like that's it's not. It's ok writing articles that get hits but you need to truly believe what you're writing is correct otherwise you just come across as an attention seeking idiot.

Captain Qwark 94296d ago

haha nope sure wont be, iphone 5S.....that will be when sales start to dip slightly. with the 5S they will market some feature as though they are the first and only phone to offer it, idiots will believe them and it will light another sales fire. apple isnt going anywhere so long as its blind fanbase is still around and since most of them are early 20's, they have a long and prosperous future ahead of them.

i cant even get my ihphone owning friends to read fact sheets and compare the i5, s3, and lumia 920. they automatically assume 5 is the best and wont even give a second though to the fact that it may not be. is it still one of the top phones? yes, but id put it behind the lumia 920 and s3 so far from what ive read on paper.

alb18994296d ago

Apple has a strong fan base but they earn it. Nothing is free in this world.
I try with the GS3 and the Lumia 900 and i just can't feel it. Is about taste and satisfaction......all my products from Apple has pass 3 years and they work just fine so im one of does that will buy the iPhone 5 i dont know why you try to make feel bad people that prefeer the iPhone...i mean you can try but you are looking a lot like child.

evil_element4296d ago

Most of the people who have bought Apple products are the people who gave up with continual tech updates.

I recently walked into my local Orange shop (T-mobile) all I could see is Samsung phones and other non-Apple phones. The screens were stuff with pieces of card with pictures of the screen.

Only 3 working phones out of 100, that to me summed up everything about the rip off cheap plastic phones which many Asian companies make. They don't care that their phones in shop windows have pieces of card stuffed into their displays, though would ever see an Apple product crudely put onto display not even working?

Give it to Apple to make a store where people can go to get things fixed. Try out something new and learn if you get stuck (Apple even teach advance programs like Aperture or Pro Logic and even Photoshop).

I have never seen Samsung or any other Asian company ever care about what they sell as long as they saturate the market with their tech. (There are Sony shops but there a waste of time as they charge their full RRP on their goods and their advice is always biased towards their own stuff).

But its how Samsung and most Asian companies are successful at what they do. They make millions of variations of the same thing, pop a price tag and ship it out. The innovation lives and dies for Android with Google.

Ask your self: If my phone or Samsung device broke who would help me? A Samsung phone line to India or take it to the shop who probably say its your fault.

I speak as a person, who got one day and walked away from PC's after 15 years of frustration. My house has collected enough cables from phones and computers to probably link the USA with the UK.

Dislike this comment in your own ignorance if you want. But this the whole heart reason for me buying Apple products because they are simpler, better thought out, reliable, durable and most of all there is always someone who can help you in the worst case scenario. I was overclocking PC builder and now programmer.

hellvaguy4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

"Apple products because they are simpler, better thought out, reliable, durable and most of all there is always someone who can help you in the worst case scenario."

Everything you said there is not very factual at all. I call up my cell carrier, sprint and they walk me thru troubleshooting or I can walk into a sprint store to get it fixed if that doesnt work.

"Simple"? Well there only 1 button to push vs 3. SO ya I guess to a retard its is 2 buttons less.

"better thought out" Im not seeing that one either. Apple phones look shinny and chromy for the first 5 min you own it, then it looks like a used up hockey rink and after a week of skating on it. Plus they dont let you ever change the battery or use memory cards. Also screen is too small. No ty, im out!

evil_element4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )


Question:'Everything you said there is not very factual at all. I call up my cell carrier, sprint and they walk me thru troubleshooting or I can walk into a sprint store to get it fixed if that doesn't work. '


It is factual. Indeed it is. I don't live in the USA so I can vouch for Sprint but in the UK. You phone a mobile (cell) they run through pre-scripted questions and answer. If the fault is their's there good to help, if yours. In their words "LIVE WITH IT". 99% of the time all your treated as an idiot.

Question: "Simple"? Well there only 1 button to push vs 3. SO ya I guess to a retard its is 2 buttons less.


'"better thought out" Im not seeing that one either. Apple phones look shinny and chromy for the first 5 min you own it, then it looks like a used up hockey rink and after a week of skating on it. Plus they dont let you ever change the battery or use memory cards. Also screen is too small. No ty, im out! '

Answer: Simplier. Apple definitions of making things simple. Why make something more complex than it needs to be? Why add additional steps when few work better? Why break a users experience between updates? They use rules like this between the software and hardware. Adobe refused in 2001 to make Adobe range of products from Mac. Even though many executives and workers started out at Apple. But the only request from Steve Jobs was that Adobe products drop a lot of the un-needed extras and unfriendly interfaces. Adobe did that many years later and Apple has become its main platform for its software.

I laugh at folk like your self. You can't accept anything because you have 'I AM ALWAYS RIGHT' printed on your forehead. Could dub your self Captain Hindsight.

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sonicwrecks113d ago

I've fixed the images on some of these past submissions of yours. Please in the future make sure the image isn't broken on submission.( I always found it best to download/upload it to be honest. )