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iPhone 5S Rumored Up First Image Leaked Hit The Web

iTechbook: Purported first images of Apple’s iPhone 5S leak. iPhone 5 was launched a bit more than 11 weeks ago but it is already becoming an old news. Thanks to the rapid advancements in technology.

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alifayyazmalik4214d ago

nice post.. I would like to buy iphone 5s instead of iphone 5

CraigandDayDay4213d ago

I will be waiting for the iPhone 5s since my contract doesn't end until next June. The 5 looks so much better than my 4s, but I can wait. In the end, it will be worth waiting.

bwazy4213d ago

The only difference you'll notice between the 5 and the 5 is is the "s" printed on the back.

CraigandDayDay4213d ago

Is that so? I'm pretty sure there were a few improvements on the 4s from the 4. Namely, a big one: Siri.

bwazy4207d ago

Yes, which could have been given to the 4, but wasn't simply to make the 4s more appealing in the market.

Crazyglues4213d ago (Edited 4213d ago )

"The only difference you'll notice between the 5 and the 5 is is the "s" printed on the back."
- bwazy

While this may seem to be the case, I would say if we were really going to be honest it will be just a little bit more then just that.. LoL (just a little)

-Should be a little faster as always not really a big feature but at this point I think it's becoming harder and harder for apple to find things to put into your phone and truly innovate... as it already does pretty much everything you would want it to do, and if not there probably is an app for that. -:)

-Better camera- with better camera features -improved camera quality -(possible, but not definite)

-Better Memory - indeed, as they tend to always bump this up just a little -iPhone 5 has an -A6 processor with 1GB of RAM -so you could see a 1.5GB of RAM

-Call Quality - expect improvements to the noise-cancellation feature introduced on the iPhone 5 as well as Voice recognition as these can both be improved though software- especially when you add more power.

-slight Battery improvement- could happen not a definite but as you make the IOS run better you tend to get better performance - this could lead to a better battery time - not much but a little bump could be possible.

All in all there will be improvements but nothing so amazing that you need to dump your iPhone 5 and run out and get the 5s.. -(but people do like to upgrade so if your on an older iPhone and your contract will be up then why not grab a 5s)

I mean if your already going to sign up for another 2 years might as well get the latest phone since your already getting robbed blind on the cell phone bills... :( Thanks to Verizon's and At&t's ridiculous data plans..

CraigandDayDay4212d ago

Thank you for setting him right.

KwietStorm_BLM4213d ago

"Thanks to the rapid advancements in technology."

Lol right. That's definitely the reason. Its certainly the most logical.


4213d ago Replies(1)
Upbeat4213d ago

apple phones are far to expensive for what your getting, a Galaxy s3 and a htc 1x are far more powerfull and cost less, apple products are just a fashion statement

KingPin4213d ago

Apples products is all about status nowadays.

the original iphone was a must have phone coz back then it did what no other phones did.

nowadays, they just a rehash of more of the same.

eferreira4213d ago

when will you realize that the ios doesn't require as high specs to run all their programs like the window series does. Look at the imac's. Everything constantly runs smooth. Build quality is a factor too. Their expensive for a reason. Stop crying and enjoy whatever device you own. Stop being an elitist.

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