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Jeb Bush: NASA has "Lost its Purpose"

Thursday's briefing begins with GOP presidential hopeful sharing concerns a New Hampshire voters about the U.S. space agency.

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sonicwrecks3083d ago

I think Mr Bush is confusing "purpose" with "funding". NASA can only do so much with what it has and it's far more politically beneficial to spend such money on homeland affairs.

Gondee3082d ago

His dad is the person who signed the bill that put them in this funding situation....

Stringerbell3082d ago

Isn't it a convenient situation. You defund an agency and then criticize it when it performs poorly or not to your standards.

sonicwrecks3082d ago

"Constructive" Government in action.

annoyedgamer3082d ago

Go home Jeb, The Trump made minced meat out of you.

jony_dols3082d ago (Edited 3082d ago )

NASA funding accounts for 0.4% of the federal budget.

Military expenditure accounts for 54% of the federal budget.

Why is military & defence spending so high? Because George Sr & Jr decided to have a trillion dollar pissing contest in the Middle East.

NASA put an American on the moon, the Bush's put American boots in Iraq. Which is a greater achievement?

Jeb should go back to doing what he does best...sentencing guilty/innocent convicts to the death.

TheGreenMan3082d ago

Shh...don't speak so much truth, it may piss off the uninformed.

What's even worse is these private companies that win weapons contracts from the government (think Boeing) eventually turn around and sell the weapons they develop to other countries once they start producing newer models - and most of these countries are non-democratic (i.e., potential enemies). So Boeing gets to use our tax dollars to develop weapons, then they get to sell them down the road to a potential enemy for practically pure profit. Ain't it grand?

But don't say anything, because you'd be accused of being "Un-American" for wanting private companies to stop using your hard-earned money to make weapons that they will eventually sell to our enemies. Go figure.

s45gr323082d ago

Yeah that sucks. Its with the 2nd Amendment allowing civilians to legally purchase firearms and not just civilians but Narcos from Mexico have easily bought American Firearms with only a measly firearms permit. Bell of California is an example of Narcos buying firearms.

windblowsagain3082d ago

NASA never put anyone on the moon. Completely fake.

Two camera's were made. One was given to NASA, the other given to......

Stanley Kubrick.

It wasn't possible back then to put man on the moon and it is still not possible today.

sonicwrecks3082d ago

You're welcome to get a telescope and look at the landing sites yourself.


plmkoh3082d ago

Absolutely crazy how in 2016 we still have bat-shit levels of ignorance.

amiga-man3081d ago (Edited 3081d ago )

Of course the moon landings happened, to suggest otherwise is simply embarrassing and you continue your naivety by suggesting it wouldn't even be possible today, yet we have a rover the size of a car roaming around Mars as we speak.

Bobafret3082d ago

Yep, and the Earth is flat.


Earth is'nt flat...!!! Its Oblate Spheroid...!!!


What do you mean buddy no one has gone to moon....i think sonic has given u the right answer.

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