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Just How Dirty Does a Rocket Get Launching to Space then Returning to Earth?


This. This is how dirty. Coolest part? Check out those huge clean swaths where the landing legs protected the rocket’s paint job from soot, dust, and singeing. We never thought we’d feel tingly about a grungy old rocket, but this one is doing the trick.

HedwigOwl3089d ago

I don't know whether it counts or not but if the submission is a video, then SpaceX should be added as Credit URL. If it is an article then no problem.

sonicwrecks3089d ago (Edited 3089d ago )

It's a Twitter-based video so you COULD give credit url to the tweet in question, but it's not vital IMO. Not like as should be done for what I've been calling 'dry sources' (reports, scientific findings, press releases) or for story-in-story original pieces, etc.

I think the only specific social-based crediting we'd like you to do on TechSpy is to any relevant forum post (Reddit threads, etc). Otherwise it's one of those things we're going to be flexible over.

At the same time it's good you're thinking about this kind of thing! :) I know Speed-Racer really wants you guys to think hard about sourcing.


Omg! This much pollution can be caused...I haven't thought of it. I think major problems can be caused by this.


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