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Lavabit gives FBI the middle finger with 2560 character SSL key in 4pt font size

Vyralize: Remember Lavabit? The secure email service used by Edward Snowden? Ever since it was shut down in August, the FBI has been trying to get access to Snowden’s emails. The company’s founder, Ladar Levison, eventually shut down the service after bowing to pressure from the feds but in his quest to fight the authorities, he made sure to make the legal process as difficult as possible.

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kingPoS3911d ago

No automated compiling for you!

pompombrum3911d ago

Someone needs to give Ladar Levison a medal or something.. some really funny stuff and shows just how completely and utterly pathetic and shambolic the American authorities can be.

Computersaysno3911d ago

He should have emailed them the key one character at a time one a day LOL you wanted digital copies right?

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