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Leaked Windows 9 details reveal upgrade offers, ability to backup & restore system image from cloud

Microsoft is gearing up to release Windows 9 Enterprise Technical Preview next month as it's been previously reported. Today we learn some more details on what the tech giant is planning in terms of new features and incentives for users to upgrade.

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ITPython3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

If history is judge, Windows 9 is going to be a success.

MS had their usual "every other OS is a complete failure" with Windows 8, so Windows 9 is already looking good even though I know nothing about it yet.

Although TBH, XP-4-Life. Even Windows 7, which is a major success, sucks ass compared to XP in many ways. W7 is such an unstable inefficient bloated buggy piece of sh*t OS IMHO. Granted it has a few features XP doesn't that would be nice to have (like TRIM support), but XP could have had those features if MS wasn't so gung-ho about releasing a new OS every few years and abandoning older OS's completely.

If it wasn't for the eventual lack of software/hardware support for XP and the increasing security risk due to no more updates, I would never upgrade.

mcstorm3584d ago

I'm looking forward to seeing Windows 9. I am a big fan of 8.1 and I now think the touch side is the best of any of the touch os's on the market but the desktop/none touch side can be improved and if they can do this I think Microsoft could be on for a winner os.

pandehz3584d ago

Yep 8.1 is the best touch Os this world has seen and I've used all that exists in the market.

mcstorm3584d ago

I am the same I'm not. Massive fan of ios or android but its all personal preference. For me I don't use my surface for media I use if for doing work at home which is editing my web site, emails, one note, syncing photos, and I also work from home with it too using remote desktop, vnc and our help desk. I could not do all of this on my iPad or xoom when I had them.

FastRedPonyCar3584d ago

No metro UI on Server OS... is this a dream? Thank F'ing GOODNESS!!

Can't wait to take the preview build for a spin.

xer03583d ago

The cloud backup is a nice touch.


Leaked Windows 9 screenshot confirms Cortana for PC

"The Halo inspired personal assistant is already available to Windows Phone so I guess Microsoft decided that a desktop version will also be pretty neat. Can’t really argue with that."

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emilysmithltg3565d ago

Cortana on destop sounds awesome!Can't wait to get my claws on Windows 9.

Minimoth3565d ago

This is going to be so badass. Finally Microsoft is making another good version of Windows.

JamshiJack3564d ago

Seems Windows is getting back to the stage with priority to better user experience, whole bunch of changes are coming, so Window 8 is the new Vista, it was not a complete flop though!

Lionsguard3564d ago

I hope there's a Jarvis or Edi mod.


Windows 9 will have the Storage Sense feature, just like Windows Phone

Windows 9 is expected to come equipped with Storage Sense, a feature that allows users to better managed their storage.

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FRAKISTAN3565d ago

Windows 9 can't come soon enough

ChrisW3565d ago

SNERK!!! Those disagrees must be the Win8 fanboys!!!

3565d ago
Agent_hitman3565d ago

I just hope that MS would allow the Windows 9 users to choose between the Tile Metro and the familiar desktop UI so that the PC gamers that don't wanna use the animated Tile will still able to enjoy this OS.

As we all know MS has been slammed numerous times due to their decision in making Win8 as a touch panel friendly Os, rather than keeping the traditional UI.. I hope that they've learned their lesson now, so that majority of Windows 7 users will jump ship to 9.


Video of an early build of Windows 9 in action!

Just earlier today, posted screenshots of Windows 9, revealing many photos of Microsoft’s new flagship operating system. They have just added a video which shows the start menu and start screen in action.

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