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Listen To Music Through Your Cheekbones While You Swim Laps - Gizmodo

Gizmodo: It's hard to listen to music while you're swimming because even waterproof earbuds that actually stay on try to conduct sound through air to reach your eardrums, and there's not a lot of air underwater. The FINIS Neptune works on this issue by sending sound waves straight into your face. Total bombardment. In a good way.

In2iti0n4042d ago

Interesting, though I don't swim nearly enough to warrant such a purchase.


Sony sells its waterproof mp3 player inside a bottle of water

TNW- What does a company do to convince potential customers that its product is genuinely waterproof? Well, aside from saying so on the packaging, it can sell the product already immersed inside a bottle of water.

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badz1493781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

the most expensive bottled water EVER!


Kurylo3d3781d ago

yea... but is it safe to drink is the real question here.

3-4-53780d ago

THAT is a truly good marketing idea. THAT is what creative and different looks like.

It makes sense though, it didn't cross over into gimmicky.

Crazay3781d ago

that is some pretty sharp marketing.

iSpy3781d ago

Next Sony will sell mp3 player inside a bottle of Coke...

mcstorm3781d ago

I agree. I remember having 2 sony MP3 players back in 04 to 08 and I loved them. The sound was amazing and never had issues with the software or device like I did with other makes.

Its a shame the MP3 market is on the way down but its niche markets like this where products can stand and a great idea by Sony.

ajax173781d ago

Music in the shower. I really like it, lol

ZoyosJD3781d ago

Definitely an awesome aspects to their products. I can't tell you the number of times I've watched people freak out as I put my phone in my pocket and jump in the pool.

BaconBits3781d ago

Cool. as of now I have been using an old FM radio in a Zip-Lock bag in the shower :)

SJIND3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Now Walkman is can be called as Swimman.

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Sweatproof and anti-fall ITreq MP3 player for active geeks

DamnGeeky: People who lead a hectic and active lifestyle crave for gadgets that are complimentary to their daily routine. For example, blokes who love gyming and sports activity want a small little MP3 player that can hook onto their ears without falling. Keeping this in mind VOX One Audio Labs has designed a light-weight, comfortable, compact and feature rich MP3 player dubbed as ITreq MP3 Player that can be mounted directly into the ear using the headphone vacuum type earplugs.

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Smartphones wipe out sales of MP3 players

The Telegraph-They were at the forefront of the digital revolution when they launched over a decade ago, but UK sales of iPods and other MP3 players slumped by more than fifth in 2012 as consumers turned to smartphones as their gadget of choice.

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jknext4193d ago

Right! especially after the advent of Android smartphones...

caseh4193d ago

Makes sense. I no longer own a digital camera, MP3 player or sat nav as my phone covers all those bases quite comfortably.