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Lucky Dude Buys a Brand New iPad 2 for $65 from a Goodwill Store

iDownloadBlog: Reddit user djrjr is a frequent shopper at his local Goodwill store. A few days ago, as he was browsing the store, he came across a brand new 32GB iPad 2 wifi in the box, selling for $65.

Confused about such a low price, he asked the manager to make sure everything was correct. The manager confirmed that this brand new iPad was indeed selling for the bargain price of $65…

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BeastOrange4519d ago

I would jump on that deal too. 65 bucks is a steal. He should sell it and buy something worth having though.

blumatt4519d ago

"Buy something worth having"?????

Umm, the iPad 2 is worth having, especially at that price. A lot of people like myself stay with Apple products because of our investment in the ecosystem. I've bought tons of music, tv shows, and movies (including the digital iTunes copies I get with BluRay movies). And, I don't want all that to be for naught. Buying iPhones and iPads means all my stuff works on them without hassle (I know there is DoubleTwist, but it's a pain to use).

reznik_zerosum4519d ago

Apple - hipster favorite company

KingPin4519d ago

"Buying iPhones and iPads means all my stuff works on them without hassle"

talk about being a blind sheep.

i use everything from windows pcs to linux pcs to sony playstations to android phones and have not once come across a situation where nothing worked flawlessy.

blumatt4518d ago (Edited 4518d ago )

Try playing an M4V copy-protected movie you bought from the iTunes store on your Android phone. Good luck. That's what I'm referring to. Not to mention all the Apps I've bought and game I've bought. You would be in the same situation with your Android phones. You can't use those paid Android Apps on your iPhone.

NarooN4518d ago

That's why you don't buy shit from those stores. No issues across any platforms then.

blumatt4518d ago

Yeah, I didn't buy them all. Some of them came for free as digital copies with bluray movies I've bought.

If you know of any programs that will convert copy protected M4V iTunes movies into regular MP4 codec, please please let me know, and I might switch to Android in the near future.

iamnsuperman4518d ago

"Try playing an M4V copy-protected movie you bought from the iTunes store on your Android phone. Good luck. That's what I'm referring to. Not to mention all the Apps I've bought and game I've bought. You would be in the same situation with your Android phones. You can't use those paid Android Apps on your iPhone."

Well just do not buy from the itunes then it does work. I find it is often cheaper looking around. I have an iphone but I rarey buy (except for apps which nearly all apps appear on android or ios) from itunes because I can't play it outside itunes where when I buy from elsewhere it can be played by anything

kaveti66164518d ago

Holy crap Blumatt. That sounded like some kind of mission statement that Apple carved into your head.

bwazy4517d ago

" A lot of people like myself stay with Apple products because of our investment in the ecosystem."

Apple essentially invented the modernized idea of trashing a new gadget the second its predecessor comes out. Go **** yourself with the **** you spew.

C_Menz4513d ago

While you do come off as a bit smug/fan-boyish which is why people are disagreeing with you... It is nice having all of your stuff compatible between Apple products.

Only downside is you are stuck with using them for their services from there on if you put all your eggs in their basket. Myself, I keep most of my stuff "neutral" and capable of moving around so I am not tied to one company(although I generally buy Sony, Apple, or build it myself).

blumatt4513d ago (Edited 4513d ago )

Yeah, I wasn't trying to sound smug. lol I was just trying to tell the guy at the top that Apple products are good products. Sure, their proprietary content kind of sucks, but overall I love how if you do choose to buy apps and movies/songs etc. through iTunes, all of that stuff works on all of their products. You don't have to worry about buying an iPad and your iPhone movies and songs not working.

Yeah, I'm the same. Usually I buy either Apple or Sony products. I did have a Galaxy S2 for about two weeks but I returned it for an iPhone 4s so I could use all my content without hassle. The Galaxy S2 is a wonderful phone too.

I think a lot of people disagreed because there's such a huge amount of people who just hate Apple for the heck of it. lol

I'm excited to see the iPad 3 and iPhone 5 this year. I'm also excited to see the sequel to the Google Galaxy Nexus phone.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4513d ago
aDDicteD4519d ago

that's a very good deal, he is lucky to have it for just $65

4518d ago
C_Menz4515d ago

Wish I had luck like this...


iPhones, iPads at risk of new lock screen passcode bypass flaw | ZDNet

The flaw affects iPhones 5 and 6, and iPad 2, running iOS 8.2 and later.


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Charles Arthur: "It’s time to stop the snobbishness about how superior a ‘proper computer’ is."

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Microsoft is starting to make some serious progress against Apple's iPad

In October, Microsoft did something it's never done before, it generated more revenue selling its Surface line of PC/tablet hybrids to online consumers than Apple made selling iPads, according to data from 1010data.

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