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Microsoft needs to fit Windows 10 with a data collection 'off switch'

OK, let's see if it's possible to have a rational discussion about the way Windows 10 collects telemetry data without the Microsoft fans claiming that this is all FUD or the haters calling this a privacy catastrophe.

Let's begin with the facts. With Windows 10 Microsoft has introduced a policy where the collection of basic data from machines running the operating system, data that it calls telemetry, is mandatory. Part of the deal of being allowed to run Windows 10 is handing this data over to Microsoft.

HedwigOwl3149d ago

Sending data back to MS is okay and can be useful if it consists only of cookies and stuff and nothing private.

longingcalm3148d ago

I am not sure data collection by default should be a good idea by MS to implement. data collection should be off and user can be informed if he wants to share or not.

BuildTheWall3148d ago

Facebook can collect / view all content on your computer without most people even don't even realize this.

AnotherGamer1173148d ago

Please explain this comment. I am curious if you actually mean a web-site has the ability to randomly access your computer and scan it at anytime it wishes.

Tzuno3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

a antivirus scan can scan all that you have on PC, let's be honest these days we are watched from every angle, just don't go crazy and everything will be ok for the moment.....

AnotherGamer1173148d ago


A antivirus easily can scan everything - that is the purpose of the application. I was asked about a web-site. Facebook is still just a web-site, right? I never use facebook or any of those social web-sites so I honestly don't know.

thorstein3148d ago

Basically, it works like this. Facebook allows all sorts of content to be posted on their website.

You click "like" on something. This gets filed and content is then shifted towards you based on your likes.

These analytics are then marketed to corporations for big dollars.

AnotherGamer1173148d ago


I understand how Facebook can track what you click on, upload, any conversations you have while on their site (basically anything you do while on the Facebook web-site, they can track). They can even use cookies to help track where you go on the web.

GeorgeZimmerman said "Facebook can collect / view all content on your computer". This is what I want to know if it is true or not. I don't think a web-site can just browse your computer (even if you are actively using the web-site). I might not use Facebook but I know quite a few people who can and would like to let them know if GZ is telling the truth or not.

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Software_Lover3148d ago

I don't agree with the data collection. Whenever I'm working on someones pc, or updating (I do house calls for the elderly to keep their pc's running) I do what I can to stop most of the data collecting.

Having said that, it's only bad when it Microsoft collecting the data it seems.

thorstein3148d ago

Seriously. It's like people don't understand how Google and Facebook make money.

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