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NASA censors the name 'Jesus' from internal newsletters

NASA has been accused of illegally censoring the word “Jesus” from its newsletters at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston after its Christian club, the NASA JSC Praise and Worship Club, mentioned it in the JSC Today internal daily newsletter.

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annoyedgamer3054d ago

Political correctness will be the death of modern civilization. We will shut up and happily comply all the way until the red flag with hammer and sickle is being raised above state houses but by then it will be too late. Books have been written about cultural Marxism but who needs books when you have MTV?

UnwanteDreamz3054d ago (Edited 3054d ago )

Using your company email for evangelism is your right? I bet if it was a muslim club inviting everyone to praise allah christians would be pissed.

If the Johnson Space Center doesn't want internal newsletters endorsing Jesus that is their right.

Speed-Racer3054d ago

If they did so for 14+ years, what's the problem? I work at a major bank and the number of non-business related promotions is through the roof yet no one is crying about it.

Nodoze3054d ago (Edited 3054d ago )

Um one of the core missions of NASA under our current communist president is Muslim outreach. So you would be mistaken. There are active attempts to embrace Islam and censor Christianity. It is systemic and it starts at the top.

ASSASSYN3054d ago


Who invited the republican?

Nodoze3053d ago

Unaffiliated. Neither party offers solutions. Only a false choice. Until we have a viable 3rd party, the same fleecing of the populous will continue.

But hey if it helps you to put labels on things, go for it.

When you wake up and discover the country has devolved into a 3rd world hell hole, don't blame me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3053d ago
3054d ago
ChrisW3054d ago

There are two types of people who should be smacked here... The people who agreed to censor it, and also the people who are fully up in arms about the censoring of it.

Now, don't get all haughty, pious, and/or 1st Amendment nutty on me. Seriously, just smack everyone involved AND lets move on.

thorstein3054d ago

"Liberty Institute" is named in an article about NASA.

Not sure, whether you agree with NASA or not, that you want to be mentioned in the same breath.

Settler3054d ago

Soon NASA will be sued by religious group for doing this.

Update: Its already happened, check it out here:

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