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New Facebook Fan Page Cover Photo Template for 2014

Fanboys Anonymous: Facebook has a new fan page design made to match timeline. Check out this video tutorial and PSD template for guidelines to get the exact measurements for how to create your new cover photo to fit the new layout.

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LocumSelf3745d ago

Ugh why does Facebook need to constantly change when it wasn't broken?? Thanks for the template, big help in getting my page back to awesome.

gizmig3745d ago

If that is not a point Facebook will not be Facebook today. Change is the permanent thing that gonna last forever.


Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta

Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta.

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How to change your birthday on Facebook

Now you can get happy birthday messages on your actual birthday instead of some random day.

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818d ago

Facebook says to follow its livestream rules or be banned, this is your only warning

Facebook has to implement new rules for Facebook Live because people are literally the worst. Now, if you break the rules you'll receive a ban.

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