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Settler (3) - 3591d ago Cancel
pressjudge (1) - 3592d ago Cancel
Minimoth (1) - 3592d ago Cancel

Nomophobia – The 21st century’s newest disease

Nomophobia, the definition of which comes from the expression “no-mobile-phone” deserves it’s name because of the gravity of the anxiety the people with this disease have when they can’t access the internet, their smartphones, or their tablets.You can’t last more than 10 minutes without checking your notifications or emails and you feel like your phone is ringing even when it is not? Then it is very possible that you have a real smartphone addiction, which is called: Nomophobia.

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Community3591d ago
reddevilandy103592d ago

Sad, funny and true all at the same time.

pressjudge3592d ago

I often hear my phone ring just to realize that i am hearing things.

Minimoth3592d ago

I wasn't even aware that this was a real disease until now :O

johny53591d ago

I have Pornophobia - can't be with out my porn!

boing13590d ago (Edited 3590d ago )

Then it's Nopornophobia. Pornophobia would mean that you're scared of porn.

TripOdd3591d ago

I think this is another case of the psychiatric industry assigning a 'condition' to something which could be better described as a 'symptom' of a lack of will to focus & control our lives. Another prime example being the so called 'disruptive mood dysregulation disorder', which is essentially a means to label children who throw a temper tantrum & throw drugs at them as a solution, as an alternative to actually parenting. OK...let's make a more all encompassing 'condition' instead. I'll call it 'laz-i-ness'. There, I have this condition, so it's no longer my responsibility to take control of my life. Isn't that better? ;)

Jrmy843590d ago

So true, agree with you on that.

TripOdd3589d ago

After browsing through the N4G comments section, I just came to a horrifying conclusion...there has been an outbreak of 'sanity' here in TechSpy Land. I've done some population sample tests & it hasn't spread to the rest of the internet yet, there's still hope for them. But we need to quarantine ourselves to prevent a full outbreak ;)

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Twitter Blue problems? How to sign up for verification despite error messages

Signing up for the new Twitter Blue has caused problems for some folks. The Shortcut details the roadblocks you may hit trying to sign up and how to get around them.

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Community554d ago
EvilCackle554d ago (Edited 554d ago )

Good thing I signed up at launch so people know I'm the real evilcackle

CurrentDigital554d ago

Huge loss for those who don't know where else to spend their surplus $8 a month

SwiderMan553d ago

Still haven't been approved for Twitter Blue :/

gatewayinternational550d ago

study abroad is the chance to find yourself while acquiring a comprehension of an alternate culture. Being in another spot without help from anyone else can overpower on occasion.

345d ago
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Thousands of top websites collect your data in real-time as you type

Websites are harvesting our data even before we

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Community768d ago

The days of remaining anonymous on the internet are coming to an end

Regulations are beginning to require users to verify their identification online.

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Community961d ago