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Our Planet Is Among the First of Many, Many Earths

Throughout the universe, trapped in the halos of dark matter, there is enough planet-making material to create at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 more Earth-like planets. A billion trillion of them. In the Milky Way alone, that would mean another 5 billion Earth-like planets over time.

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Aldous_Snow3147d ago

There is no way to know half the shit these boffins come out with. They just make it up as they go as there is no one who can disprove them.

What an easy job.

dcbronco3146d ago

When asked about the potential of life on other planets Neil de Grasse Tyson made an extremely powerful argument. He noted the four most plentiful elements in the universe. Then he noted the four key elements used to create life here on earth. They are the same four elements. I have to believe that there has to be other earths. We've already found some. And given the extreme environments that life thrives on here, it's crazy to think it that it wouldn't exist on other earthlike planets even if it's not as evolved as we kinda are.

3146d ago
yomfweeee3146d ago

Great argument quantum. /sarcasm

Because we haven't created life means their is some higher power? Is the earth flat too?

dcbronco3146d ago (Edited 3146d ago )

Quantum firstly I think you're wrong on your create an organism point. They created a synthetic organism years ago. And just a few days ago they announced they created an organism with synthetic DNA that transferred the faux DNA as it grew. Soooo...they kinda seem to know something.

As for the whole fluke thing, life didn't happen once on this planet. It's happened over and over again. Humans aren't the only creature. There's everything from single cell to complex. From walking, swimming and flying. Herbivore, carnivores and omnivores. Life on this planet has nearly died and come back. It's gone extinct for one group and evolved to live on in another. It's survived volcanic earth, greenhouse earth and ice age earth. And flourished.

If life has survived everything it took to survive on this planet and all the elements needed for life exist on billions of other worlds, it crazy to believe there isn't something or someone else out there. This planet has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at life and just about everything else the universe has got yet here were are debating this.

And if it's creationism you believe in you're being a little narcissistic to believe god created a vast universe just so the sky could be pretty at night for you. It ain't about you. Religious people seem to think it is. If god created a vast universe it was to populate it with things to worship it. So again, it ain't just about you. Hate to break it to you like that. Check your guide books, the fact of worshipping means it's about the god.

Bobafret3146d ago

They are called theories for a reason. Are you saying that we should just stop?

Qrphe3146d ago

Yes, some people have loser mentality like that unfortunately

Aldous_Snow3146d ago (Edited 3146d ago )

Theories that are stated as facts. Thats my point! Theories are not facts. The stuff they are coming out with is not fact as it cannot be proven.

That is a fact.

All the gullible people in this comment chain need to get a grip rather than get your backs up.

alti3146d ago

i agree. Nasa always releases some ridiculous statement and it sometimes just feels like, "hey gov, we're doin stuff. please don't cut funding; thanks."

Qrphe3146d ago

Whatever we "waste" on NASA is nothing compared to what we "waste" on the military.

ravinash3145d ago

Whatever we "waste" on NASA.

I'll try to remember that the next time I pull my GPS out.

alti3145d ago

My issue is that Nasa has a monopoly on the research they produce, so whatever crazy shit they wanna say, they can. And it makes me cringe sometimes when they release (almost yearly) news about how the moon is "never gonna be bigger!" or "4 of the planets are aligned, and it'll never happen for another 700 years!" or "We found 10 Earth-like planets, 42 light years away!"

it's like, after a while, please give us something tangible. To the toad ripping off Neil deGrasse Tyson's talking point regarding GPS's, again, it's a part of their monopoly on space. Like a cashier expecting endless appraisal for being the only type of worker who can help you make purchases. It's like, "okay, great, you exist, but, it's hard to keep thanking you for the same things."

I respect NASA for what they do, but little anecdotes like these are getting to be a little annoying. Lastly, I clearly don't care if I'm not aligned with the mob mentality. I'd rather be entirely honest.

yomfweeee3145d ago

Alti you know that there are scientists who don't work for NASA right? Tyson doesn't work for them. NASA doesn't just say something and everyone takes it as fact.

alti3145d ago

I know Neil works as head of the Planetarium in NY, but his comments are a reflection of the work of NASA, which is what I addressed.

I really wish people had a reading comprehension online. I'd frankly be so much more accepted.

I also don't want to feed the misconception that NASA is all there is to blame in this practice (claims while holding a monopoly on peer review and cross examination). It's inherent and in many cases unavoidable, but the fact it's even like that makes me cringe. Can a guy not have a gripe every now and then? /rant

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Eyesoftheraven3146d ago

What shining examples of rudimentary scientific illiteracy in this comment list.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3145d ago
andrewer3146d ago

The famous Fermi Paradox strikes again.


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