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Padvance: iPad 3 Rumors Amping Up

Padvance says: The world may be enamored with the iPad 2, but the tech world has already set its sights on iPad 3. When will it launch-- this year or next? What kind of changes can we expect?

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scorpionstryker4750d ago

if the rumor is true then i will get one for sure, been holding out on getting an ipad till a newer comes out..

Idree4750d ago

I've been holding out for the iPad, can't wait for the rumors to start :D

CynicalVision4750d ago

'been holding out on getting an ipad till a newer comes out..'

You'll probably be holding out forever then because we all know Apples track record when it comes to releasing sequels to their products.

michass84750d ago

the Tablets are actually getting better, if that NFMR technology kick in and some more improvements will be done (especially battery life) I will definitely consider buying a Tablet device.

mac4u104750d ago

Isnt 10 hours enough for you, the ipad battery life is amazing!

michass84750d ago

But it is still only 10 hours, it means that you have to charge it every single night if using it... if I buy something I usually using it hard :)

jsc249jobal4750d ago (Edited 4750d ago )

I have yet to find any improvement that are rumored that would warrant another iPad release. The CPU and GPU have plenty of untapped potential. The video is crisp, fast and enjoyable. The dual cameras are very sufficient for FaceTime, Skype, picture taking and video recording. Maybe to bring in people who for whatever reason are not happy with the iPad 2 or the techies who need everything that is newly released, I don't know. Play Infinity Blade or Dead Space with their buttery smooth frame rates and hd graphics, the A5 gpu is ahead of the pack for tablets.

P.S. I viewed, wrote and posted this whole thing from my iPad 2 =)

Its_That_Purp4750d ago

I lovee my acer a500 and w500 their both sweet android and windows tablets ipads are cool just cant stand not having flash

michass84750d ago

Totally agree, it is a huge disadvantage of Apple products.

tweet754750d ago

i hope for a price drop at release of $250 to compete with sony and nintendo in the gaming world better

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12 Best Cases & Cases for New iPad (iPad 3)

Nerdsmagazinie- iPad 3 is a one of the best and most selling iOS bases tablet from Apple which is fully loaded with new and amazing features and application. As New iPad hit shop shelves across the world and if you are the proud owner of this amazing gadget, then the first thing you are wondering to buy is “Case”. We all know that safety is one of the most important factors for every gadget. The cases provide full safety and cover your iPad HD to protect it from a single scratch.

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Is This The World’s Most Interactive Print Ad?

Mashable: A Lexus 2013 ES changes colors, turns on its headlights and exposes its interior as throbbing music plays in this highly interactive print ad in the Oct. 15 Sports Illustrated.

How is this possible, you ask? Well, they sort of cheated. Using a Lexus-created technology called CinePrint, the ad comes to life only when you put an iPad behind the printed page that’s displaying the iPad edition of SI or on

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Kindle Fire HD 8.9 vs. iPad 3: Is the Apple Experience really worth $200?

Extremetech: On paper, the new Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9 blows the iPad 3 out of the water. The Fire HD is thinner, lighter, and smaller than the iPad 3. The Fire HD has dual stereo Dolby speakers, while the iPad has a single mono speaker. Where the iPad 3 is capable of 22Mbps 802.11n WiFi, the Fire HD has a MIMO antenna capable of 31Mbps.

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blumatt4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

It is if you've invested heavily into the Apple ecosystem already. DRM music and videos can't be played on the Fire HD, unfortunately.

The iPad retains a slick simple interface that works. I do wish it had those Dolby dual stereo speakers.

I hope Apple ups the ante on their feature set for the next iPad.
----------------------------- ---------------

Kindly explain your disagree, good sir or ma'am.

Sarcasm4302d ago

That's the thing that keeps people going back to Apple products. It just "Works." People can hate all day about their business practices or whatever the case, people cant deny that their interface is simple, easy to use, and works a majority of the time. Though sometimes my iPad may have a couple hiccups here and there, I've never had any issues with it.

Heck, the iPhone is so easy to use, my parents both have a 4S. Keeping in mind they don't even know how to use a computer.

Although I'm an Android guy myself, its easy to see why some folks prefer the Apple stuff.

Knight_Crawler4302d ago

Have to agree with you on that Apple has created simple products but yet found a way to convince the mass that its the best most advance technology out there.

But Apple are not the only ones who are guilty of this look how much the Nintendo Wii has sold despite the PS3 being 100 x more powerful or look how much Beats headphones have sold compared to better cheaper alternatives.

SilentNegotiator4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

It's a good point. I don't care if you love or hate Apple. Their philosophy is that things work and in a straight forward manner.

I like Android personally, but I hate having to do things like research to make sure I'm not getting spyware on the Play Store. (IDK how Amazon Marketplace does things)

Knight_Crawler4302d ago

Apple will up its ante but unfortunately it will also up its price.

I a cert Apple distributor and one agreement they mske you sign before you can starting selling Apple products is that you can not lower the Apple product price - if an iphone cost $600 on launch day you still need to sell that phone for $600 a year move by Apple becuase this way they can ensure that there product always remain expensive, MS is wants to adapt this with the Windows RT.

Trenta274302d ago

I got an iTouch in 2009. Since then, I spent a ton of money on iOS apps. Since then I got a iPhone and recently an iPad. Going to something anything other then Apple at this point would just be silly.

evil_element4302d ago

I dont think it will ever matter what other companies can pull out of the hat. As long as they use there old approach to designing technology they wont break through. (Thats just pushing more and more tech under the hood).

If the experience is broken and complex, 99% of users will walk away from that device.