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PlayStation 3D Display Review/GamerFitNation

On February 1st, 2012 GamerFitNation's BlackBible review's The Sony PlayStation 3d Display a HDTV for today's Gamer.

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fredolopez4520d ago

i'm always amazing by how far gaming's come, 3D!!!


Does anyone have the 3D Display?

Sillyace924520d ago

No, but nice review, it might have been something I would have gotten but I just bought a 27 incher, a year ago. Oh well.

Sikct9a4520d ago

I love mine, well worth the $300 I paid for.

Software_Lover4519d ago

42 inch, 240hz, 3D led I bought on Black Friday for 599. I dont use the 3d often but it was a good price at the time for the television.

The best 3d game I have played thus far is an indie game I downloaded off of xbox live called 3d infinity. Old school aerial shooter but in 3d. This is how 3d games need to be done. If they can get Ikaruga in 3d that would be something.

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IGN - Sony PlayStation 3D Display Review

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