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PS4 Black Market Sale Leads To Murder

HardwarePal : Johnson arranged a customer and a location to sell one of his pre-ordered Playstation 4′s. The time was set to be 4:30PM on the 16th of November, outside the Orlando police HQ. But the situation seemed to take an unexpected location change that lead to his death.

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KingPin3866d ago

PS4 - its too die for....

on a serious note though, its sad news when people die over material possessions.

Lord_Sloth3865d ago

Your joke at his death suggests otherwise.

ChrisW3865d ago

I'm surprised, though glad to not be hearing of more PlayStation related crimes... PS3's launch was plagued with them!

gamernova3864d ago

Some people don't understand that humor is a coping mechanism. Gosh...

worldwidegaming3865d ago

Shows how well we raise our kids...a damn shame!

ajax173865d ago

What the hell, man!? It's just a freakin console!!

ChrisW3865d ago

Similar to what was said about Air Jordans...

GentlemenRUs3865d ago (Edited 3865d ago )

America in a nutshell... Full of rednecks and spastics with guns/knives...

My condolences to his family.

steve30x3865d ago

Its not any better here in Ireland with the past few years. Just lastnight a taxi driver got his two knees shot with a shotgun. Theres lots of murders going on around Ireland lately and most of them are done with guns.

GentlemenRUs3865d ago

Yeah i've been hearing stories from there, What is this world coming to?

awiseman3864d ago

WRONG. Have you ever been to a third world country? This is a daily occurrence in those places. Stop being ignorant and stereotyping.

GentlemenRUs3864d ago

Truths a beach isn't it?

How about you stop being so ignorant...

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