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PS4 FAQ Reveals The Console’s Hidden Weaknesses

ThatNaijaBlog - Sony's Massive PS4 FAQ Has Lots of Details. The bad news, the PS4 won’t be able to use home PCs as media servers. This is a direct opposite of the idea behind the Xbox One which promises to run effectively as both a media hub and gaming console. This could be the point where gamers can finally make a decision on which console to stick with and Sony will have to get prepared to explain why such glorified feature was ripped-off.

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5eriously3883d ago (Edited 3883d ago )

Do not waste your time giving these idiots any clicks. They are behind in the news of the day as we already know we were promised a future update to include the missing and required DNLA as well as MP3 functionality. Thanks Sony and Penello for being faster that the idiots that produce idiotic articles or blog's like these because they are out of touch with reality!

Wake up sons of a ...... blogger!

proudly_X3882d ago

It would be fixed in a firmware update, but it doesn't change the fact that those getting it on day one will face this challenges.

Don't think everyone sleeps on the internet and have access to such news, it's a shame these issues are coming up in the first place..

Speed-Racer3882d ago

The thing is, if you published it after the fact that they announced there was gonna be a firmware update pretty much makes your point invalid.

5eriously3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Just like the issues

720 vs 1080p
eSram driver issues
eSram size
Degraded launch titles
M$ lies and misinformation
Lack of details on eXB0Ne

Oh dear launch is near, PLEASE lend me an ear and tell me when it's the eXB0Ne year!

stuna13882d ago

But thing is what different does this make if it's not going to be a permanent issue!? Sony has already said that they are addressing the issue.

LoneWolf0193882d ago

No challenge to me, no need to connect my ps4 to anything pc or music related when its right next to my computer ^_^

extermin8or3882d ago

As a games cobsoke if your one issue is you dont support certain music codecs etc then... your doing well.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3882d ago
proudly_X3882d ago


It wasn't published after a confirmation of the update, I guess that should ease things a little bit.. ;)

bub163883d ago

Old news, this situation has already been addressed, next

dilawer3882d ago ShowReplies(2)
Tzuno3882d ago

Wait for slim if you are smart.

Deadpoolio3882d ago

Or I dunno you just wait for the 2nd firmware update that covers it but Oh well to each Xbot their own

PeaSFor3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

nah since the launch models are always the premium models, but do what you want.

btw, when the ONLY straws haters can grasp to bash the ps4 is "no mp3 support, no dlna at launch" clearly know Sony is doing something right with the console.

meanwhile on xbone....

TechMech23882d ago Show
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