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PS4 vs Xbox One: which is better?

TechRadar - Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox One do battle with eight-core AMD technology.

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-Mezzo-4044d ago

As of now, PS4 wins it easily.

Yi-Long4043d ago

... as a gamer, pretty much every announcement MS made as far as gaming goes on their new console, I absolutely HATED, and I won't be following that direction.

And I hope Sony doesn't either. Even IF they were planning anything similar, I hope they looked at the MASSIVE backlash towards MS' revealing, and quickly decided otherwise.

Also, you just have to look at the last 3-4 years, and you can easily see which company still caters to gamers, and which company decided it wanted to pursue other things.

MS has been all about Kinect and dashboard apps (and ads) these last few years, while Sony has kept announcing new original IPs, and introduced PSN+, which is an amazing alternative to MS' very expensive XBL Gold.

AuraAbjure4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

Ya haha PS4 is the best for sure. Why don't you clowns go ahead and buy that shit- and leave us gamers be.

Majin-vegeta4042d ago

You sound like you have a case of the butthurt fanboy.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4042d ago

if u like xbox how can u be a gamer? Games are a feature on xbox and gaming s the main point of ps4.

Ben124042d ago

Just buy your ps4 and leave the xbox one for the rest of us. This way I don't have to here your bitching while I play online on my xbox one. Free online, breeds loud mouth little kids and cheap ass gamers like yourselves.

pop-voxuli4042d ago

You're an ignorant fool and you should feel bad.

SnakeCQC4042d ago

wow paying for the sake of paying? you pay your isp for the internet and pay the devs for online when you buy the game why pay pay a middleman for nothing added? between xbl and psn i prefer psn. Fps games in general tend to usually breed racist swearing kids.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4042d ago

I do not want to be ID tracked by a cloud server at Microsoft HQ just to watch my Tv, play a game and relax.

I don't want my face and voice sitting in their cloud server god knows where!

I don't want my every conversation to be watched & listened to. Call me paranoid, call me a "loud mouth little kid" but i kinda like my privacy. And I wouldn't trade it for simple voice commands that change my channel... enjoy your Xbox one sir.

I'll take that Ps4. Even if it's $200 more. Wouldn't wanna be called a "cheap ass gamer". I don't expect a reply, I DO expect an angry PM.

level 3604042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

At the rate of articles and rumors being published, PS4 has clear advantage.

I'm sure during and after E3 - that is if any additional late changes would occur with either/both consoles, release date/prices would finally be announced and confirmed ( a major selling point ), gamers' will roughly see and feel who gets ahead.

AuraAbjure4042d ago

This is the internet. Why wait for the facts when we all can conjecture now!?!11

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