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Scientists aiming to bring the dead back to life

Scientists have gained ethical approval to being experiments on brain dead patients in the hope of bringing them back to life.

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Speed-Racer2957d ago

Hmmm this, and head transplants... what a time to be alive!

2pacalypsenow2956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )


ScorpiusX2956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )

Here's an idea instead of trying to bring back the dead, how about we find a way to cure diseases and prolong life as we know it .

Retroman2956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )

@ castillo

There is no money in curing people...............if so, Cancer would be dead now. a cure was invented in 1932 but FDA will not allow the cure be sold. why?? killing people is a 126 Billion industry, cancer is a easy fungus to cure over year time with treatment. (fruits,vegetables, no surgar foods or process foods) Healthy diet, vitamin B17 Apricot seed. Dr's rather live off people death than do what is right "Curing the fungus"

ScorpiusX2956d ago

Just a shame , was going to rant but figure just best for Karma to deal with them.

Smok912956d ago

The end-goal here is bringing back brain function to people who only have their functioning stem. Today, we take these people off of life support where they die or keep them on life support as they lie as only a body capable of the most basic bodily functions such as the circulatory and respiratory function. Also, cancer is naturally found in the body and we have a natural defense of cancerous cells. I agree that more is put into treating it because it's simply incurable as it's a byproduct of every human being. People that say we need to try to cure cancer simply don't understand it from it's most basic level.

Smok912956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )

Cancer is NOT curable. It's a natural byproduct of our bodies and we have a natural defense to it. Sometimes that defense it overburdened and cancerous tumors are allowed to grow. Anyone that states we need or can cure cancer lacks the most basic understanding of cancerous cells.

2pacalypsenow2956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )

Put some more tinfoil in that hat.
Funny you mention that since those fruits and vegetables did wonders for Steve Jobs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2956d ago
Smok912956d ago

I think it's incredible amazing and I'm not sure you understand the article. This is about bringing back brain function to people who are brain dead meaning they only have their functioning stem which supports our most basic functions such as the circulatory and respiratory function. This would allow us to bring back more brain function essentially "bringing back life" to people who are now brain dead. It's giving someone who would normally be on life support until it's decided to "pull the plug" and end life and give them their functioning brain back. Given the number of people that are considered brain dead on an annual basis, this would be an incredible turn of events if they find a manner in which to stimulate brain function past the brain stem.

ScorpiusX2956d ago

The whole title gives no indication or specified what it really was about .
Also no need to come off as a snot , you want people to give educated comments.
I suggest you get the site to post accurate article titles and not mislead people with lame site visiting tactics which are clearly in use here .

Hold_It2956d ago (Edited 2956d ago )

Time for Resident Evil to become real life. Cue T-Virus production.

ISHU2956d ago

Hell yeah! I've been waiting for a zombie apocalypse my whole life....bring it on!

Double_O_Revan2956d ago

If only we had a tv series & comic book series about how this may be a bad thing and the consequences that might ensue due to failure.

/extreme s

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