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Seattle bar steps up as first to ban Google glasses

My NorthWest - They're not even available for purchase yet, but a Seattle bar has already said a new tech accessory from Google will not be allowed at their establishment.

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level 3604120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

Google glasses will be a security nightmare! - count on that.

One other "big" *negative I see for people who would use this device is they will most likely acquire in the long run - eye problems with constant useage.

coolasj4120d ago

Please explain that reasoning.

Blacktric4120d ago

"Seattle bar steps up as first to ban Google glasses"

Unnecessary, if you consider how it won't work like shown in any of the demonstration videos. It's just another overhyped, gimmicky "gadget" that appeals to hipsters who think they'll be able to do everything shown in the demonstration videos, when most of them either won't make it to the first version, or will be half assed.

coolasj4119d ago

I meant the eye problems.

fatstarr4119d ago

the mainstream birth and use of the 2004 potato quality camera phones, all over again.

and eye problems can develop from this just like it can from looking at screens and similar tech things all day.

ps3_pwns4120d ago

people will record people secretly. go into a bar record someone all drunk or something without someoone being like hey stop recording how i do stuff. then people will put it on youtube or something.

steven83r4119d ago

Because that doesn't happen now? so what they should do is say no recording or pictures of any kind in this bar. Not only ban Google Glasses. let's see how business goes when girls can't take pics together.

KwietStorm_BLM4119d ago

I can do that right now with my phone. There's even camera apps that look like notepads. I don't foresee anyone banning phones though..

GuyThatPlaysGames4119d ago

It's completely legal to record anyone in public!

Software_Lover4120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

I applaud them. This just opens the door for mind control, lol. I have done no research on the subject but it seems like the next logical step.

abc12334120d ago

Don't really see the whole issue with secretly recording people since you can pretty much do that on your phone now anyway. They might as well ban all phones which have a camera. Not sure if they've done so already but Google could easily put an LED light in there which blinks red whenever someone records something if they really want to make the public more at ease, though granted it's not a perfect solution.

Chidori4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

The difference with's a little obvious with someone sitting across a bar aiming a phone up at you. Someone is sure to notice. Most people won't know what the google glasses are and what they do. Or just occupied doing what people do at bars. If it's as simple as aiming your head in one direction to record everything in sight, that could definitely turn out to be a problem.

abc12334119d ago

If you're an idiot aiming your phone camera directly at someone with your arms outstretched then yes it's obvious. But you can easily hold your phone normally, pretending to read a text or something whilst recording someone. Besides, I'm sure everyone has been photographed in a bar or whatever unaware when you would have rather not been in the picture, yet again this has drawn few criticisms in comparison. There are bigger breaches of privacy to worry about than this, but this seems to be drawing the most attention.

Chidori4119d ago

Yes it's possible to secretly record or take pictures of another person using a phone, but there's still always a risk of being caught in a public place. There's really no natural way to sit with your phone in hand and record a person in front of you, unless they're literally a level below you or sitting on the ground. Phones are held a certain way while being used, and it's certainly not the ideal way using the camera. It's just shady as hell. But say we get these google glasses. To that ignorant hot chick at the bar, it may seem like some fancy cool pair, not knowing it's capable of recording video. It's a creeper's dream come true.

abc12334119d ago

Well, it depends on the phone I guess. With the larger modern phones, the natural way most people hold them makes it pretty easy to record someone without them knowing if they're on your level/below you. As you said, it's creepers who would use the glasses in the wrong way, and one would think that those kinds of people would be motivated enough to record people even with today's technology. Normal people just wouldn't use it in that way, so it's an overblown issue.

SilentNegotiator4119d ago

But phones have other serious uses; Google glasses are for video, video identification, video etc.

NastyDaddeh4120d ago

Guys,guys, guys, we all know we will use google glass to record a womans butt/tits so we can fap to it later on.........


Deku-Johnny4119d ago

You almost seem to be saying that like it's a bad thing.

RE_L_MAYER4119d ago

Lol before rading your post I misread your name as jurking-jonny))))

KwietStorm_BLM4119d ago

If all it takes for a dude to get off is staring at a chick's clothed ass, then by all means, get your Google on.

NastyDaddeh4119d ago

when ur not lookin at pr0n ur usin ur imagination so u wud imagin that clothed ass naked n on ur dick

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ajax172506d ago

"780mAh battery" yeah, no thanks. I've seen what batteries do when they overheat; but hopefully they won't have a Samsung situation.