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Sony SmartWatch 2 review []

[] How smart could be a watch? Is it able to replace a smart phone? What use can be found for SmartWatch 2? I will try to answer for these and other questions in this review. Read what our editor think about one of the hottest gadgets of the year.

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Baka-akaB3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

9,5 ? rofl that's thing only reddeming point is that it's better than its only current rival , the Galaxy Gear

iamnsuperman3895d ago

Maybe good for a smart watch but is a smart watch even practical? This is one of those crazy fads that will only last a year or two. I just don't see any normal person buying these things

thereapersson3895d ago

I liken it to the calculator watch fad of the 80's and 90's.

abzdine3895d ago

and something few people are highlighting is that it's waterproof.

FamilyGuy3895d ago

Are SmartWatches useful to people that don't own a SmartPhone? Seems like a major feature of the thing (from what I read about a previous one) was it connecting to your phone.


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