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The $100 USB Stick Your Boss Can Use To Find Your Porn

Forbes: "If you are among the growing legion of porn addicts that spend your employer’s time or resources viewing and downloading graphic images, be very afraid. There is a new tool your boss (or spouse) can use to catch you. It’s a $100 USB stick that plugs into your PC and unmasks abuses and exposes your addictions without leaving a trace it was there."

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toaster4821d ago

LOL. Most people wouldn't need a $100 gimmick to find porn stashed on a computer.

DrHouse4821d ago

The name is funny

"Porn detection STICK" see what they did there?

Syko4821d ago

Who the F*** looks at porn at work? This article makes it seem like the "norm"...? I mean Porn is cool, but if you can't make it through the work day without a little T&A then you have problems lol.

xDaRkModEx4821d ago

Where would i go about to fix this problem?

Syko4821d ago

Ha ha...Geez, maybe a home rehab like Charlie? It went so well for him. =)

AuToFiRE4821d ago

come on, ive looked at it at work too, it was a slow day

Speed-Racer4821d ago

Well I looked at porn on the days when work was literally dead. With Facebook and what not being blocked, there is not a shit to do, so I find myself on Reddit's NSFW section.

RockmanII74821d ago

Type that into the URL bar, much better way to spend time and I've never seen it blocked.

AuToFiRE4821d ago

ah yes, the perfect gift for jealous girlfriends and wives, not only do they lock the gate but now they can stop you from having fun with yourself.

beeeffess4821d ago

Or you know get a really cheap keylogger where most people won't even notice.

thewhoopimen4821d ago

I wonder if this product would sell in an office space... considering it lacks something by the name of "discretion".

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