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The end of Terrarium TV

The popular streaming app, Terrarium TV, has announced it is closing its doors.

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b163o12109d ago

Why is it when I find something good, it shuts down...smh I literally just found this apk like a month ago... So what's the next best thing?

x_xavier_x2109d ago

Maybe you could try paying for the content that you consume?

b163o12109d ago

Well to be fair, I only use it when I travel, or to catch up on episodes. I still go see movies that I want to see in theater's and pay for cable.

demonicale2109d ago

Maybe you should keep your mouth shut?

XentaJones2109d ago

If people love watching movies and TV shows, then they should support the creators by buying there products not trying to find a free way to watch them and give them no support at all. There should be a legal standing in all countries that fine users and developers if caught using these types of apps.

x_xavier_x2108d ago (Edited 2108d ago )

So you decide what is worth paying for and what is worth stealing? Got it. I don't believe for a second that you use this pirating software to watch content that you've paid for on other platforms.

I must have hit a nerve. Feeling guilty?

steven83r2108d ago

We do pay....a lot! The way things are heading is not consumer friendly. Most like me already pay for traditional Cable/Satellite and streaming services. But now each network is trying to release their own service for a monthly fee. Netflix is $10 a month and has a lot of shows and movies. Yet WB or CBS want to charge $5 - 8 for their own service which has 5 shows? The consumer is getting screwed in the end not the network. In total i pay $165 a month for TV and Streaming services. Yet i still can't watch all the shows i want because of disputes over rights.

b163o12108d ago


Why not? I have a life and at times I'm away from my TV. If i miss and episode of Power, or Mr.Robot why shouldn't I go back and watch it, before somebody on social media ruin the experience.

princejb1342108d ago

maybe they should stop milking us. I literally watch 3 shows. Why should i have to pay cable $100+ just to watch those 3 shows

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2108d ago
1nsomniac2109d ago

You’re asking that on a site that is ‘secretly’ run by & affiliated by Sony PR. You’re only going to get bashed here as some scum of the earth thief no matter how you use it.

Mr_cheese2108d ago

The problem with paying for streaming services is the vast amount that offer so much. You could easily rack up a bill over a 100 if you were to have all of these services... Sports alone.

There needs to be a much better, more affordable consumer friendly way to do all of this.

The cinema is even worse than streaming services. At least with a streaming service I know what I'm in for where as with the cinema you have to pay a lot of money to watch a film based on a 2 minute trailer. I love the really love the cinema experience but if you've just sat through a terrible 2 hour film, you don't get a refund. You've lost out.

Anyway, I've lost my point an dstatted rambling.

x_xavier_x2108d ago (Edited 2108d ago )

I subscribe to Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime and I get local TV (including sports) via an OTA antenna. The cost for all 3 services is about $30 per month and it covers all of my entertainment needs. So I'm not sure how you estimated a bill of over $100/month. While it's possible one could exceed $100/month by subscribing to every service, that concept seems excessive and and redundant. I feel that $30 is a great deal and it's a pittance compared to what I paid for cable TV ($165).

I'm not suggesting that you are entitled but it seems like a lot of people believe that they deserve access to any and all media for a nominal fee (or sometimes none at all). Consumable media is not a right, it's a privilege. Just because a person wants to watch or listen to something, that doesn't mean he/she has earned the right to take it, or even determine its value.

The idea that these services need to band together and work out a solution to become more consumer friendly (cheaper) and your suggestion that theatres should refund patrons for so-called terrible movies seems to indicate you are opposed to paying for media and may support pirating services like Terrarium. As someone who has worked in the entertainment industry, I am wholly against that stance and I have a very difficult time sympathizing with your "problem".

steven83r2108d ago

I pay for Directv $130 a month plus Netflix HD, Hulu Commercial Free w/ HBO and Amazon Prime. I still use Terrarium for things i can't find on those platforms i pay a pretty penny for. For example Star Trek Discovery. I already pay for a lot of streaming services and Satellite. Why the hell should i have to pay another $5 - $8 for a certain stations service? It should be free for cable/satellite subscribers.The problem with Cable/Satellite is if you didn't watch the show as it aired, you have to wait for it to re-air or hope you recorded it. Everything should be on demand. Then maybe people wouldn't resort to these types of apps.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2108d ago
demonicale2103d ago

x_xavier_x - No you didn't hit a nerve, just you're acting like you're better than everyone else. If I choose to stream tv free then that's my decision.


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