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The First Flying Car takes to the Skies - The Future is Finally Here.

WCCF: Just recently Aeromobil made history.. Ladies and gentlemen the first flying car took to the skies, marking the beginning of an era and the Future we were all promised. Video and Images included.

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mafiahajeri3853d ago

Cool but unpractical, give me a hovering car then I'll be really impressed.

FamilyGuy3853d ago

This would be a lot cooler if you could extend the wings whiiiile driving. Needing a true runway for takeoff is impractical in itself. Launching to the air from a normal freeway and being able to land in a parking lot would be nice. Maybe a helicopter car would work better?

It just seems like a waste to drive this anywhere.

sham3853d ago

I heard about this, and guess it is practical

xharrypotterx3853d ago

it IS practical. Its more of a Car-PrivateJet Hybrid though, i mean i dont see why anyone would switch to flying mode and find a takeoff strip for distances less than 100km.

Anarki3853d ago

That looks..........expensive.

xharrypotterx3853d ago

Yeah it kinda is. But pretty cool no? If only i was rich enough :(

Double_O_Revan3853d ago

I can just see the crashes and balls of flames now.

Many people can't/shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car, and thats on the ground controlled by gravity. I couldn't even Imagine letting some of those people behind flying transportation, below 10ft or not.

xharrypotterx3853d ago

Once they get over the licensing problems, this will be allowed to go above 10 ft :P lol.

Shad0wRunner3853d ago (Edited 3853d ago )

Awesome concept and tech...

But this will never see the light of day in the civilian sectors. Wouldnt wanna put those car and tire companies outta business. That would be a damn shame /s. Thing is...we've had the ability to build flying cars for a LONG time now, but car companies and tire companies WANT you to keep buying their shit. Something new and innovative comes along and "we gotta bury that asap!"

I hate this friggin planet. -_-

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