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These real-life photos from space will blow your mind

Vyralize: In commemoration of the movie Gravity, NASA has released a 31 photo set on its Flickr account, showing off some of their snapshots from space. Here are just a few of the amazing shots of both space and Earth. Be sure to check out the entire album for more eye candy.

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windblowsagain3752d ago

Looks sweet.

Can't wait till man one day walks on the moon.

Dark_king3752d ago

about 45 years to late on that one. Im not even going to provide links, some people just can't see the truth no matter how hard you hit them with it.

SilentNegotiator3752d ago (Edited 3752d ago )

I feel like I've already seen similar pictures of most of these shots. I mean, they're still cool, but "mind blowing" - for pictures of astronauts in orbit and earth lit up and such - in 2014 is kinda overselling it.

Dark_king3752d ago

Yea some of them are old, like you said cool but not mind blowing.

Tzuno3751d ago

all that light from the earth make me think that we are nothing more than energy for higher forces...


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