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Tupac Returns as a Creepy Rapping Hologram at Coachella [VIDEO] Coachella attendees received an unexpected shout out from the late rapper Tupac Shakur Sunday night during a performance with Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre.

The rapper appeared on stage as a very realistic, 3D-animated holograph for two songs.

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GanjaMan4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

2pac is still alive n i cba to write reasons out, so heres a link to a vid and there are more reasons too, just google it.

fatstarr4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

this had everyone shocked lol

shit like this will definitely change the industry

Speed-Racer4446d ago

Someone told me that they should do a Steve Jobs hologram for future presentations. I said, no.


RED says its Hydrogen One smartphone will ship this summer

Half a year after taking preorders for its very first smartphone, RED says that the Hydrogen One phone is still months away from being released. But it does at least have a timeline: the phone is supposed to enter mass production and then ship sometime this summer.

Jim Jannard, RED’s CEO and founder, gave the update yesterday afternoon in a post on the company’s forums, where he also announced a few new specs for the pricey “holographic-display” smartphone and gave some additional launch details.

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French politician appears in seven places at once

A French presidential candidate makes use of the Victorian Pepper’s Ghost illusion.

KingPin2610d ago

so there is truth to "bullshiz spreads quicker than the truth".


BMW’s HaloActive technology is knock-your-socks-off impressive

Real holograms. Haptics in space. You've never seen automotive technology like this.

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