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Two new mysterious giant holes found in Siberia, scientists puzzled


Scientists have found two new mysterious giant holes in Siberia, like the one that appeared in Siberia two weeks ago. The new craters are smaller than the first but they share a similar structure. Scientists are still puzzled by the origin of these formations. Here are all the details:

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hay3613d ago

Holes appearing? Is it Earth or Krypton?

cell9893614d ago

The Silver Surfer is at it again !!

SilentNegotiator3614d ago (Edited 3614d ago )

If we throw enough unsold copies of Rise of the Silver Surfer into his mouth, maybe he'll grow full before biting into earth.

cell9893613d ago

We got plenty of that ammo

M-M3614d ago

Either a troll to go down in history, or a giant creature underground. Heck, maybe both.

johny53614d ago (Edited 3614d ago )

This is where the last major population of the mammoths died out "or did they", two meteor impacts within 100 years, with the first one called the Tunguska event, having an explosive force 1,000 times greater than that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima!

This is also where the Dyatlov Pass Indicent happened, a huge mystery never solved! You'll also find mysterious cauldrons in Siberia´s Valley of Death, Scientist are still trying to find out what they are! Siberia is also where we trace the origins of American Indians!

Event_Horizon3614d ago

I knew about the tunguska event but had no idea there were more of these weird incidents that happened in the Siberian region. Thanks a lot man.

johny53613d ago

That's not all! A French explorer claimed to have seen mammoth's in 1920 Siberia.

Here's his account: It was a huge elephant with big white tusks that were very curved. Its hair was a dark chestnut color as far as I could see. It had fairly long hair on the hindquarters, but it seemed shorter in the front. I must say, I had no idea there were such big elephants! A second beast was around . . . it seemed to be at least as big as the first

UnwanteDreams3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

Actually something exploded over Tunguska. Can not be proven it was meteor.

Dasteru3613d ago

Just read the wiki on the Dyatlov Pass incident. Sounds to me like they were most likely killed by a mid air explosion of one of the R-7 test rockets the military was testing at the time. A mid air explosion within a couple hundred feet of them would explain the injuries, the radiation found on their clothing and the scrap metal found in the area near them.

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ShockUltraslash1929d ago

Oh no!
The power of Darkness gets stronger and stronger.
We need to gather the heroes of light to fight against this evil.

BioDead1928d ago

Finn and Jake should take the job!!


What If The Earth Was Flat?

Science is mysterious. People ask questions and with the tools at their disposal, scientists address a hypothesis. Geodesy is the Earth science of accurately measuring and understanding the Earth’s geometric shape, orientation in space and gravitational field. Years of research in the field of geodesy has told us that a sphere is a close approximation of …

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level 3601930d ago

These Flat Earth believers' are really funny sickos.

Cobra9511929d ago

As a group, they're the perfect illustration of an echo chamber. Think of them as a control group, where the concepts espoused are clearly wrong, but they believe they're getting valid science (like drug control groups believe they are getting meds instead of placebos). Good studies of people's impressionability as members of a greater whole can be accomplished here.

blacktiger1929d ago (Edited 1929d ago )

It's funny how you judge others, regardless where's the proof of them being sickos?

kneon1929d ago

Anyone who truly thinks the earth is flat is mentally deficient.

1929d ago
KingPin1928d ago

1999: in 2019 AI would probably run the world we wont have to do anything.

2019: we're trying to convince people the world is round.

BioDead1928d ago

If earth is flat then most of the physics shouldn't work as they are working now. I saw a documentary on Netflix of this believe and I didn't get a single valid or scientific explanation from the believers how the flat earth works, why other planets are globes and earth is just flat, how the physics works with it, and so on. Seemingly flat earth is now in fashion, but it'll soon wears out. Hopefully.

Cobra9511927d ago

Just imagine the number of people who would have to be in on the round "hoax" over the centuries for it to succeed. A few examples: Anyone who flies an airplane, or in one, around the world. Most international ship captains and crews. Meteorologists. Astronomers. Anyone professionally involved with satellites.

Kostche1926d ago

the world is flat, belive what you want, nasa the biggest hoaxers to the human race, and its funny watching them mug the human race off, enyoy the space travel... LUL