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Virtual reality will not challenge real brothels, sex workers say

VR is set to be one of the biggest themes out of the upcoming CES gadget conference — and one of the legal brothels that is based nearby has weighed in on the effect it will have on its business

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Tzuno3090d ago

Nothing beats a warm body :)

Inzo3090d ago

No doubt, what I dont understand is how you got disagrees?

Helios863089d ago

SJW's, they got triggered and offended.

Pillsbury13090d ago Show
masterfox3090d ago

what is brothel ? is like a place to gather and bro fist ?

Porcelain_Chicken3090d ago

Yes. But you gotta make sure you yell "BROOOOOO" or "YEEEEEEEEEEAW" as you do it otherwise you'll get laughed out the door.

vivid833089d ago (Edited 3089d ago )

You're probably thinking of a Brotel lol

WizzroSupreme3090d ago

Of course it won't, because face-to-face contact will always carry an essence that simulated intimacy never will. It's not surprising that the holodecks from Star Trek don't completely fool the series' characters, because even holograms operate at an uncannier wavelength that the human eye notices.


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