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Watch A Cat Unlock The iPhone 5s Using Touch ID And The Fingerprint Sensor

TechCrunch- As you can see in the video above, Apple’s new fingerprint sensor in the iPhone 5s isn’t restricted to human users. After commandeering a cat, I tested a colleague’s hypothesis that you could register the identifying skin segments of your favorite furry friends for Touch ID, too.

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SJIND3926d ago

Meow checking my facebook...

Shani3925d ago

Pet friendly phone.
Now in emergency, your cat can call you. :D

hazelamy3925d ago

beware cat burglars i guess. ^_^

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I’m still rocking an iPhone 5 SE, and honestly, I don’t even care

KnowTechie writes:

"Trust me, I know what you’re thinking. I’ve heard it all before. I’ve endured the side-eyed glances, the exasperated gasps, and the endless mockery every time I’ve pulled out my SE since the day I bought it (I can’t remember exactly when, but I vaguely recall The Harlem Shake being popular). As it turns out, apparently I’m the asshole for not wanting to wait outside of an Apple store for three days to spend two weeks’ pay on a phone with slightly better pixel quality and, I dunno, personalized emojis or some other useless crap?"

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Apple has Stopped Selling the iPhone 5S

After the release of iPhone SE, it looks like that Apple has stopped selling the iPhone 5S as the device is not longer visible on Apple's official website. A quick look unveils that the iPhone 5S is replaced by the newly launched iPhone SE.


Apple's iPhone SE vs. iPhone 5S: The Emperor In New Clothes?

Is the new iPhone an improvement worth buying over its predecessor?

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