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Why the iPhone 5S is a disappointment

Vyralize: Apple announced the iPhone 5S today (along with other products), but is this the final straw for Apply loyalists?

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Mr_Danski3935d ago

I still currently have an iPhone 4 and quite frankly love it, but i will be getting a 5s. i think it shines.

spaceg0st3934d ago

going from an iphone 4 to a 5 is VERY noticeable. You'll love the update. (unless you have a 4s, then maybe not so much difference)

blackmanone3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

Keep telling yourself that. I've got an original iphone (got it free), and guess what? Other than a FEW things I can do everything that my brother's 4S can do.

You're upgrading phones every couple years, contract after contract, don't you people realize how foolish you're being with your money? All for the most miniscule of changes.

spaceg0st3934d ago

to each his own i guess. Going from my 4 to 5 was a welcomed change. The 5 was just faster, better camera (including panoramic option), siri option, better features within certain apps, etc.

Considering that upgrading phones are pretty cheap these days, (iphone 5 was $150... then i sold my iphone4 on ebay for $133) i don't see why you shouldn't upgrade, unless you can't afford it.

IRON883 3934d ago

Well I'm gonna go from a Samsung note1 to the iPhone 5s this round I feel I need a switch and then in 2years we see what cool new things come out from android and apple

eferreira3934d ago

Me too. Phone serves my needs and the build quality is excellent. Dropped my phone many times with no screen protection and still looks great.

evil_element3935d ago

Lets see how people react to it when it goes on sale :)

PS4OUR3935d ago

Regardless, this thing will sell like crazy. The brand is that strong. They could slap an apple logo right in the middle of a steaming hot pile of cow crap and people would fall over themselves to rub their faces in it.

AsimLeonheart3935d ago

lol! Apple fans will be out to get you for that. ;-)

PS4OUR3929d ago

I meant no disrespect to any Apple fans with my comment. Just saying it like it is. Brand loyalty is strong there as is the appeal of the brand to newcomers.

mcstorm3934d ago

@PS4OUR I agree they would. But if we are now all honest no matter if you a Apple, Android or Windows Phone fan there is noting that is ground breaking coming from anyone. Smart phones have kind of gone to what they can be and they are just being given things that are not needed like the none contact gestures on the GS4 and the finger print on the 5s.

ZeroX98763935d ago

the new Touch ID, how will it work with a cover being over it? can it detect your finger prints even through a thick layer of rubber is in the way?

iliimaster3935d ago

i really dont get it... why not just make a iphone the size of the gs4 and have one more "option" they refuse to do this for some reason and well its hurting them more than they know

Trenta273934d ago

I still don't understand why someone needs a phone that big. I just don't get it.

s45gr323934d ago

Not to disagree or agree but a bigger phone screen is ideal for the insane person like me who uses it for college textbooks. A phone doesn't get overheat like a laptop and lack of bulkiness.

iliimaster3934d ago

i have big hands and I simply said to make that option available for people like me with big hands not only the big hands aspect i can stream videos to my xbox 360 with one button mp3 or video, i can watch a video on my gs3 and text or browse my phone while the video keeps playing no matter what i can even move the video screen around to my needs... and another reason is once you use a bigger phone/tv/ or even suscribe to cable tv you kinda hate going back to basic tv or a smaller tv

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I’m still rocking an iPhone 5 SE, and honestly, I don’t even care

KnowTechie writes:

"Trust me, I know what you’re thinking. I’ve heard it all before. I’ve endured the side-eyed glances, the exasperated gasps, and the endless mockery every time I’ve pulled out my SE since the day I bought it (I can’t remember exactly when, but I vaguely recall The Harlem Shake being popular). As it turns out, apparently I’m the asshole for not wanting to wait outside of an Apple store for three days to spend two weeks’ pay on a phone with slightly better pixel quality and, I dunno, personalized emojis or some other useless crap?"

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Apple has Stopped Selling the iPhone 5S

After the release of iPhone SE, it looks like that Apple has stopped selling the iPhone 5S as the device is not longer visible on Apple's official website. A quick look unveils that the iPhone 5S is replaced by the newly launched iPhone SE.


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Is the new iPhone an improvement worth buying over its predecessor?

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